Monday, January 10, 2022

Honey Bear

Saturday night, we lost this sweet baby. Not only did she have this kissable face but she was also smart and kind-hearted. She would watch television and cry at the commercial that showed injured dogs. I've never known a dog to show empathy as she did! In her memory, I've placed her K-2 resource at 50% off.
Critical Thinking Games in Google Slides If you go to TpT and search #JoyceDeals you will find this resource and FREE logic puzzles for grades 4 -6.
I also have posted several new resources. For High School: Winter Logic, Valentine's Day Logic, and for the younger kids: Winter Critical Thinking for Grades 1 -3
Thanks for reading. If you have a dog, show him or her some affection. We still have two dogs who are in mourning along with us.