Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why I Read Kid's Books

My daughter often says, “Mom, you’re an adult. Read adult books!”
Sure, I had my days inside the mind of the psycho killers brutally murdering helpless victims. I used to be pasted to the pages of Dean Koontz novels, but I’ve moved on. Usually, we advance to more challenging adventures, but not me. I write for children.
So, I wonder: does it make me immature when I laugh hysterically over Gordon Korman or Louis Sachar? Let’s face it, an adult story will never have Cap Anderson innocently referring to his classmates as Buttwad or Jerkface like in Schooled or the fun antics of kids breaking into a lowlife’s house in Swindle. Furthermore, will we ever see the silliness of Wayside School in the adult section of the library? Yet, Sachar gets deep as well as funny in A Boy in The Girls’ Bathroom.
But if it’s adventure you want, there’s plenty of that in the YA section of your library or bookstore. I’ve found nerve-racking stories such as Margaret Peterson Haddix’s Shadow Children series where third born children must hide or be murdered by an uncaring government; or how about, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins? Young Catniss must fight for survival in a future America. And YES, I love Anthony Horowitz’s, Alex Rider character. This junior James Bond is sure to hold anyone’s interest. Of course if you want to battle monsters in a modern day world, Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson adventures make for a fine read.
Probably being a bit ADD, I love the way a child’s story taps into a scene or character quickly without boring me with too much detail. So next time you're in the library or bookstore, check out the kids’ section. You won’t be disappointed.
Please check my previous post to get a taste of my writing. Thanks!

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