Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Yours: That's Succinctly Yours - The Old Chair

Grandma Goulash's Weekend Writer's Retreat

I've been challenged to write about this chair. Well, okay. I've written about sea shells, dragons, and dandruff, so surely I can come up with a word or two about a chair--from the chair's point of view. Why not?

What are you looking at? Oh, yeah. I forgot that I have gorgeous scenery out my window. Not that I ever get to look at it. Behind is my magic word. The sea is behind me. You think I ever get to hear the movement of the water or feel the wind against my velvet. All I get is a smelly behind on top of me, and these people aren't lightweights either. In fact, my velvet used to be yellow but I became so flustered from the fat gal, that I turned as orange as an Oompa Loompa. Yet I'm supposed to look pretty and pretend that I don't have the worst job in the house. 

Flush! Err, uh, correction--the second worst job in the house.

a meme for writers of all kinds 

Click on this icon to see the Grandma Goulash's picture challenge and hop onto other pages.


  1. +1 follower from blog hop, cool blog

  2. Interesting perspective...I'm glad I'm not a chair, although sometimes I feel like one. My 2-year-old loves to climb up on my back while I'm typing and I usually have the baby in my arms. At least it's only 2 of the 12!


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