Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: A Real Friend

Coolest Shoes Ever!
Can you guess who I'm with? It's Rhonda from Laugh Quotes. Over thirty years ago we roomed together at the University of Missouri.

We took a trip to Boston to visit my sister. Just for kicks we said, "Hello" to everyone we passed on the street . . . or in the ocean. :)

We spent a New Year's Eve in Chicago. Like the shirts we made? So what if the necklines weren't centered.

Here's a picture of Rhonda from the last time we were together. She is with her teenager. Girl! It's been way too long. Come back to Memphis.

Sorry about the white around the pictures. I had a lot of trouble getting these to show on the blog at all. Please click on my Picket Fence Button and hers.


  1. How fun. You two need to get together again. Then take more pictures. That would be great for and the rest of us too.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  2. Thanks, Sandee! I wonder how many people visit both our blogs yet didn't know we have a history together. . . especially with her living in NZ and I'm in America.

  3. I enjoyed seeing these, looks like they were happy days :-)

    I did read that you had roomed together either on here or Rhonda's blog.

    Have a great WW! and week, thanks for stopping by ;-)

  4. Very sweet!

  5. What great times and memories. Great pictures. I love the first one, hilarious. And your dresses are really pretty in the second one.
    Thanks for linking up at Tots and Me

  6. you are a lucky woman to have such a long time life long friend! and enjoys in your hobby of blogging too! great buddies deserve lots of trips to visit, esp across the big water! Faythe from GMT

  7. Love the old photos! Makes me want to sift through my old photo albums...

  8. That is so awesome. What wonderful memories you have together.

  9. Wow, what a surprise to come here today. I love these photos. I do remember Boston, but I had forgotten we made shirts. I think they look great! We are so talented - no wonder we are friends :)

    I will agree it has been too long. (I don't think I have seen that shot of Sarah and I - love it!) Tomorrow is the first day of spring in NZ. (hint, hint).

    Do you think the skinny girl in the photos is still in me, or gone for ever???

    Thanks Joyce, for the memories and the years of friendship. As GrammyMouseTails said, we are lucky!

  10. Wow! How fun to have those memories.

  11. Thanks for all of the great comments!

    @Rhonda - Do you remember the results of the shirts we made? LOL! We goofed and the collars were under the shoulder instead of centered at the neck. You really can't tell from the New Year's Photo.

    As for the skinny girl, I hadn't seen the one who used to be me in years; however, my kids have specific instructions on bringing her back. If I'm ever on life support, they're not allowed to pull the plug until I'm a size six. :)

  12. New Zealand! That's quite a distance. Luckily you have the internet.

  13. What wonderful memories and photos ... i have a friend that i have known since we were 6 - we get together every year!!! Fortunately for the last ten yrs we have been in the same country ...

  14. Love it!! Love the photos when you were teenagers

    Happy WW1

  15. It must be nice to still be in touch with your university buddy! :)

  16. It's always fun to look back at old pictures

  17. The good ol' days!!! That's why taking pics are so important (so I said to my husband). Really, they spoke a thousand words.

    What a true friendship you and Rhonda has! Thirty years... that's really rare these days. You two are so blessed!

    A new follower from Wordless and Wordful Wednesday. Sure hope you'll stop by my blog and follow back :)) http://dosweatthesmallstuffblog.blogspot.com/

  18. That is so FUN!!! I love seeing pictures from the good ole' days:-)

  19. Fun photos ~namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor) aquariann's Wordless Weds ~ enjoy

  20. How great to have such a long time friend!

  21. Awesome Picture. Wordless Wednesday's newest follower.

  22. I love this! :) How wonderful to have a friend for so long. My best friend of 15 years also has a blog, but she's been slacking on posting. Haha! I would love it if you'd stop by my Wordless Wednesday pic to say hi! I have a cute photo of my boys up this week. :) Have a great day!

    Mandi at boredombustingmommy.blogspot.com

  23. Looks like some fun times. Then again, these are the good old days as well. Life is sweet.

    Tossing It Out

  24. Hope that your friendship will last forever.

  25. I love it! Especially the flashback pictures. Nothing like reliving the good old hair days :)


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