Friday, November 25, 2011

I Hate Delta Airlines

Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
My daughter had a flight on Delta this Thanksgiving Holiday. She started by sitting on the runaway for an hour or more because of weather. I'm not sure what sort of weather threatened Orlando, Florida, but my guess would be a winter storm system blowing blizzard like conditions through the sunshine state.
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Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
By the time she arrived in Atlanta, her connections to Baltimore had finished loading and under penalty of law--NO PASSENGERS SHALT BE ALLOWED TO BOARD. Fear not, a flight to Knoxville prepared to take off, and we'd be passing through that city in thirty minutes. The nice man at the ticket counter plugged the changed flight arrangements into his computer and printed her a lovely paper that he signed. "Just take this to the Knoxville gate and board."
Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
 Lying snakes! After lugging her luggage (I guess that's why it's called luggage) through the delightful Atlanta airport, the nameless clerk–Judith Campbell– would not let my daughter onto the plane. She snarled at her as she said, "He's not authorized to change your flight." Mind you, she's not authorized to be a clerk! Instead of simply letting her on a plane,  Dumb Delta paid to put an eighteen year old in a hotel by herself, give her a voucher for breakfast, and make her get up at an unGodly hour to board an early flight--that also sat on the runway due to mechanical problems. Finally they allowed the plane to take off–NOT! Apparently the radio malfunctioned, so they stopped the take off to turn around and get it fixed.
Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
I spoke to the Delta folks and told them, she needs the price of her ticket refunded. The "nice" lady told me the only way to get the money back is to send her back to Orlando. She offered me a whopping $150 voucher. Wow! One-hundred, fifty whole dollars! Delta sucks! Unfortunately to use the voucher one has to get back on one of those *&;#% planes.
Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
 So tell me, what is your horror stories about Delta? I'm sure you have plenty since they mess up everybody's travel plans.
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For more information about the world's worst airline visit
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And there's more. 
 Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
You can follow!/deltasucks on Twitter
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Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, 
You can join a Facebook Page at
In fact, if you Google "Delta Sucks" you will receive 
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7,450,000 results
Delta,Delta,Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta,
I mean really? Would you want to fly on an airline with that much bad publicity,
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  1. That is a sucky way to spend the Thanksgiving holiday....or ANY day, for that matter. As soon as I read your post, I looked up that story that was on the news not too long ago about that lady stranded at the airport over a $30 baggage fee, to see if it was the same airline, but it was U.S. Airways, not Delta. I guess many of them provide poor service and/or customer service.

    I don't have any horror stories about Delta, but no, I would not want to fly on an airline with that much bad publicity. Honestly, I can't really tell you or recall a time when I've used their service. Maybe I won't fly Delta on any of my trips...I don't know though. I guess it all depends on where people have to go.

    The whole Airline industry is kind of wacky, from the ticketing to the service to the baggage nonsense to the TSA nonsense, it makes me wonder why even fly in the first place. I haven't been on an airplane in some time. I hope you get a refund or some kind of reasonable offer from them for them ruining your daughter's trip.

    If all else fails, contact your local New station. They may be able to help out in some manner.

    The Madlab Post

  2. No horror stories but your poor daughter....

  3. Did she eventually make it home? That really sucks...perhaps Amtrack next time?

  4. That truly is unbelievable. I wouldn't stop with my desire to get more money back. If I were you, I'd write to as many people at the TOP of Delta and tell 'em how you feel! Idiots! I'm old enough to remember when flying used to be glamorous and fun!

  5. I don't have a "Delta Sucks" story, but I can tell you that if you gripe more--loudly and insistently--you'll get cash, rather than a voucher.

    One of my more needy clients sometimes asks me to take care of her personal baloney and because she hires me regularly and pays well and on time, I comply. This woman is a HORRIBLE traveler. Nothing, and I mean nothing makes her happy. No matter the airline, unhappy. I swear, she could be lovingly transported on angel's wings, deposited softly at her destination, and given a lollipop, and she would be disgruntled.

    So she complains. Well, to be more accurate, she has me or another of her peeps do it for her. And I'll be damned if it doesn't get her exactly what she wants. The trick is--she tells me--is to know before you call exactly what you want and to ask for it directly. If necessary, insist.

  6. i feel terrible for your daughter's experience, you must have been worried sick anyway!

    i dont like to fly but luckily have had good experiences for the past 10 years. it's terrible she had such a bad time. just went down to orlando & back last week!

    my worst time was flying by myself w/my 1 and 2 year old sons. our plane had a problem so we waited a while then had to switch planes (i was scared & angry out if my mind!) glad it was direct

    my neighbor is a delta pilot & we joke w/him all the time. but i dont want to travel in thunderstorms (i hate turbulence!) and with planes getting older, i want everything to work right! my husband travels a ton (our 5 ticks to orlando were pd for with points!) and when he has major hassles he knows what to do to be compensated.

    again, sorry for your daughter's miserable experience. flying ain't what it used to be...

  7. Customer service has literally gone out the window for most businesses, unfortunately. I know it was a day of worry for the mama, and frustrations for everyone!

  8. Your poor girl. You really have to wonder what goes through peoples minds - not letting her on the plane is rather ridiculous (both times). Now that I live on the other side of the world - we have three primary airline options and all are great. We even get food and movies/TV on domestic flights (usually), and we can pee for free (referencing the song, I am hoping it was just a joke).

  9. Don't even get me started on travel horror stories. I could write for days and not even scratch the surface. Sorry your daughter had to go through all that - and good for you for shining a light on Delta's ineptitude.

  10. I'm so sorry, Joyce, both for you and your daughter. My own daughter could write a book about her horrible experiences on airlines, but hers haven't been restricted just to Delta, so I won't bore you with any of them here.

  11. I have been cured of the flying thing..If there isn't a road or highway to where I want to go..I don't go..flying just isn't an option anymore for me...

  12. I always used to fly Northwest and kind of whimpered when they merged with Delta because I hated them so. With the ways things are these days, I'd rather drive - it's easier with a little one. That bites that your daughter went through that mess with them - it makes no sense why they wouldn't let her on the plane to Knoxville!

  13. I don't know that I've ever flown Delta--in my adult life--but do think I flew with them once as a child.

    Usually I fly Southwest. I love to fly with them...I think the service is friendly, the flights are clean, and the price is always right. Although, I'm sure others would disagree!!

    Cheers, Jenn.


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