Sunday, January 8, 2012

GBE2: History–Lincoln was Funny

This week's topic–history–is one of my faves; but at the same time, it was hard to narrow my post to one event. In searching historical events online, I remembered Abraham Lincoln who was not only a great leader, but also one of the funniest presidents we've ever elected.

Here are some fun anecdotes about him:

*Once as a young lawyer, several attorneys wrestled outside the court house before a trial. One of the men split his pants causing the others to pass a note asking for money to buy him a new pair of trousers. When the note reached Lincoln, he wrote, "I have nothing to contribute to the end in view."

*A ranking man in the post office, who was a personal friend of Lincoln's, died. A job applicant immediately asked the president if he could take his place?”
“Well,” replied Lincoln. “It’s all right with me if it’s all right with the undertaker.” 

*During the Civil War, Edmund Stanton, the Secretary of War, told Lincoln that General Grant was boozing in his tent.
“Find out what kind of whiskey he is drinking.”
“Why is that, Mr. President?”
“Because I want to send a case of it to my other generals.”

 And finally, here is my favorite story!

*A visitor once asked Lincoln how many men the rebels had in the field. Lincoln replied seriously, “Twelve hundred thousand, according to the best authority.” 

The visitor turned pale and gasped, “Good Heavens!”

Lincoln continued: “Yes, sir; twelve hundred thousand. You see, all of our generals, when they get whipped, say the enemy outnumbers them three to one, and I must believe them. We have four hundred thousand men in the field, and three times four makes twelve. Twelve hundred thousand; no doubt about it.”


  1. Now that's funny! Who knew? Well, besides you!♥

  2. I think Lincoln was funny on purpose....George W Bush was funnier by accident.

  3. Pictures of Lincoln always look so solemn. I love his comical side! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love this... it made me laugh:-)

  5. Great anecdotes - love the one about the rebel numbers

  6. I never knew that Lincoln was funny. Thanks for sharing those stories.

  7. oh I love this!! My family is full of history buffs and love these types of stories..thanks! fun!

  8. I voted for you on picket fence. Hoppefully you will return the favor.

  9. Haha! I especially love the first quote! Thanks for the giggles!

  10. awesome, so funny! had no idea, thanks for enlightening me!

  11. Very funny loved it, thanx for making me laugh.

  12. Funny stuff I never knew. I think the math in the last one was my favorite. Thanks for this.

  13. I never knew Prez Lincoln was such a cut-up. Very interesting. I really enjoyed this!

  14. I was wrong. History CAN be fun! :O)

  15. I didn't know Lincoln had such a sense of humor...we rarely see pics of him that aren't showing him with a pensive look or a frown. This was wonderful. Thank you.

  16. *Chuckle* I love the fact that we can read these things despite the space of time between his existence and now. It really shows a different side to a man I always thought was quite severe and dour. Great piece :o)

  17. Lincoln always seemed so serious. Who Woulda Thunk it?


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