Thursday, January 12, 2012

Writer's Post: Misdirected Ambition

Many ambitious people strive to be the best, but sometimes ambition can be misdirected. I hope y'all enjoy my post on choice winners for ambition, along with my writer's privilege to stretch the truth. ;-)

 In New Orleans, lives Aevin Dugas who sports overly ambitious hair with the world's largest afro. Her hair measures a circumference of four feet, four inches long. Heck! I have students that size, but I wouldn't want them stuck to my head. Having super-sized hair includes a few problems. For example, once Ms. Dugas got her hair stuck in a car door. After that, her son, who was waiting in the car, thought it was a rat and beat it with his little league glove. At least he didn't have it stuck in his drink like the dude at the bar.

Another winner is a bozo named Scotty Kay who wanted to set the record for getting the most women to kick him in the nuts. At least we don't have to worry about him passing his idiot genes to future generations. Check this out. Is that ambitious or just plane stupid?

And if that isn't enough, here's ambition with Michel Lotito, also known as Monsieur Mangetout, who holds the record for the largest meal ever eaten. This dude ate a Cessna 150 airplane. Unfortunately, after eating the plane, he heard a mysterious voice from his insides. Apparently, he'd accidentally swallowed a passenger who'd fallen asleep and missed deplaning. So the moral of this story–next time you fly–STAY AWAKE!


  1. As usual, you made me giggle like a school girl. The video alone woulda done it! bahahahaha Men can be so stupid.

  2. Joyce, you definitely have a way of making people laugh. What a fun post! (mutters... 4 feet of hair indeed)... hehehehhe

  3. OMG - what is the matter with that guy on the video. I am embarrassed to admit I not only watched it, I laughed.

  4. I just want to know--if the Cessna was made of Chocolate?? I know, I know--that wasn't the point...but still...if I have a craving I might be able to beat his record if it were, say, a plane manufactured by Godiva or Ghirardelli or something :) Cheers!! Jenn.

  5. oooh..I hurt just watching the video...

  6. How do you eat a plane?

  7. Crazy :) I was part of a world record attempt just once, when the Vegetarian Society tried to make the world's biggest salad in Manchester, and I happened to be around. It struck me as a phenomenal waste of food, though.

  8. Hilarious, although the guy is seriously deranged.


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