Saturday, April 28, 2012

#AtoZ : Young Life

A sparrow built her nest in our garage and flew back and forth, even though our door remained closed throughout the day. We figured it was just a vacation home and didn't mind her mild, rent-free intrusion. However, we soon found five or so babies flying around dropping white poo balls on our cars, floor, and throughout our garage. I decided it was time for them to go, so I made loud noises, waved signs at them and shooed them away before closing the garage. This wouldn't have been so bad had a huge bird of prey not snatched a baby in its clutches. *Gulp*

No helmet–No ride

My husband and I decided to let the little poopers stay until they were big enough to protect themselves. Too late. We haven't seen feathers or poop for days. :(

Have you heard of Where's Waldo. Look below for a game of Where's the Birdie? It's in the photo.


  1. That is sad, but the pictures are adorable.

  2. awwwww ...sweet little things..... thank you for sharing these

  3. Poo Balls made me laugh until you dropped the other bomb:( Guess you'll have to put up with it for a little longer!

  4. Poor baby! I'd have tried to let them stay too, but I'm sure my husband would have shooed them out too. Nothing he hates more than bird poop on the car lol.

  5. Sweet. Local sparrow built a nest in my eaves, right above the front door. Anyone coming to the door was in dire danger of being pooped!

  6. I've had little birds nesting in my garage too. I'm stopping by from the A-Z challenge making a few new friends before we reach the end. I'm a new follower :)

  7. Poor little birdies, but I don't think I would appreciate the layer of bird poo on all my stuff. YUCK!


  8. Oh no! Poor baby bird. I guess it's the circle of life though, and poo balls (hee!) are pretty gross.

    Also, thank you so much for sharing your story of your less-than-kind review on my blog post the other day. It's a helpful reminder that the review often has more to do with the reviewer than the material.

    May we both prove those naysayers wrong!

  9. Our birdie story is a bit sad also. For many years we had robins right outside our bedroom window. I have mentioned them before. Last year she made her nest and laid her eggs and one morning the eggs were gone. Broken pieces under the lilac, no idea what predator had invaded. She laid more eggs a week or so later and again after weeks of tending, all eggs were stolen. I was so hoping she wouldn't use that bush again! I loved watching and hated that they weren't safe. She did not return to that bush this year.
    Today my husband cut the lilacs back close to the ground to give them a new start. They were looking very unkempt. The white lilac around the corner from the old homestead, apparently was where they had moved. As the branch was falling to the ground, he spotted the nest with eggs inside. He was sick. Momma and Poppa Robin were nearby and NOT happy. I hope they just move across the yard and try nesting where they might actually be safe from predator and clippers!

  10. You'd think they could at least clean up after themselves for the free rent.

  11. That's quite cute poo balls and all :-)

  12. Poor birdies! I hate to see sad things happen to poor helpless creatures, but I guess it's all part of life.

  13. Feel for the birds but I would have shooed them away too.....and hey, birds of pray gotta eat too. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog.

  14. Awww poor little sparrows. They are becoming fewer. They might be ok - if they could fly they are probably somewhere with mum and being fed until they are able to fly off on their own.

    I'm leaving you my A-Z link as blogger
    always identifies me as my shared blog with other poets - my A-Z is this one:

  15. They're so adorable and it's tough to draw the line. Maybe the rest attacked the bird of prey, he dropped tweetie and flew off to parts unknown.

  16. I had a hard time spotting the birdie in the last photo. Sad though...where are they now?:(

  17. Oh my goodness...poor is a tough would out there..and poo in the garage--YUCK!!

    Cheers, Jenn


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