Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Breast Fed Baby

"Ba Ba." Someone is hungry.


  1. Yep, breast fed kids are awesome. I still tell the story of my trip to the Memphis Zoo. Great caption for this shot. Happy WW!

  2. That's great! I just posted 2 breastfeeding related giveaways today. I don't bf any more, but when my oldest was a year old he would go shopping with me. I used to call breasts and bras "bottles", so he wouldn't make a scene. Whenever we passed the bra section in stores he'd say, "BOTTLES!" really loud, over and over again. LOL

  3. What a funny photo. That needs to be pinned! ;)

  4. Classic! This totally made me laugh, thank you for sharing!

  5. New follower, thanks for hosting

  6. LOL I love this one!

  7. That is sort of cute and funny and if there were people around it would have been embarrassing. At least for me.

  8. kid knows where his food is from. lol.

  9. LOL brilliant and Awww!

    Have a fantabulosa rest of week Joyce and don't do anything I wouldn't do ;-)

  10. Love it! So adorable. I breastfed SweetPea o 14 months and she still misses it. :)

  11. Haha...I love how that sign in the background says "Patron Red Hot Salsa Party". Classic. Breastfeeding is the best. My daughter is 14 months and I still bf. Don't worry, I won't be having a 3-year-old on my boob, but why stop something that we both enjoy? Thanks for your comment on my blog today :)

  12. Now that is funny. Thanks for linking up to our Wordless Wednesday. We hope to see you again next week.


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