Saturday, March 16, 2013

Writer's Post: Brain + Mouth = No Filter


This week's writer's topic, Brain + Mouth = No Filter could have something to do with why my kids' boyfriends and girlfriends are afraid of me. Hey, I'm not awful, just blunt. Was it that bad when I told my daughter, "We no longer need to check your boyfriend's circumcision," after he did an outstanding job reading Hebrew at the Passover seder? Don't blame me; she didn't have to tell him what I said. And then they broke up. Actually, the breakup was much later than that, but I wonder if dating advice books mention mothers.     

Either way, I think our host Karen Smith at Magical Mystical Mimi was thinking more along the lines of what kids say, such as when a friend of mine taught her young daughter the correct terminology for body parts. This was fine until the girl crawled under a bathroom stall and shouted, "Mommy! I just saw that women's vagina."  

When your kid says things like that, it's better to avoid public restrooms and use your own toilet. Here's a link incase you're interested in purchasing one to avoid embarrassment in public facilities. ;)    



  1. My son embarked on a whirlwind romance a couple of years ago with a girl who was still a bit immature. Practically my first words to both of them upon hearing the news that they were moving in together went something like this.
    "There is practically no chance of an 'unplanned' pregnancy in this day and age, both of you practice birth control because I will be titanically pissed if you don't."

    My son didn't bat an eyelash, he's used to me, and the relationship ended within a week. Not my fault though, he realized that she wasn't ready for such an adult commitment.

  2. At least you didn't say that in front of your daughter's boyfriend! Poor kid would've turned three shades of lobster.

  3. I'm not a blunt person, but I can see the humor in bluntness.

  4. sometimes I am blunt too. sometimes when I need to be, I'm not...

  5. Very funny Joyce. I think checking the merchandise should be every mother's prerogative. LOL

  6. LOL I am quite blunt but not in an offensive way...well I don;'t think so anyway LOL

    I find it funny when kids come out with things like that it's refreshing as they always say things aloud we wished we could in some circumstances.

    Have a bluntastic weekend Joyce :-)

  7. When you get our age, filters are no longer needed.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  8. I have that foot in mouth disease AKA no filter problem, too. I can't help myself. If I'm thinking it, chances are I'm saying it before I have a chance to think that it may be offensive or inappropriate.

  9. I don't see why those kids would be scared, you are really funny and fun to be around. Silly kids :)

  10. I've always been blunt. My son is very aware of this and he's probably warned every single one of his girlfriends over the years. This post does remind me of some of the embarrassing things we've both said. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  11. Well, if they broke up anyway, it doesn't really matter now, does it? And, from my perspective, it sounds like you were giving the boy a compliment. It's not your fault that he didn't take it as such! It's interesting that both examples in this post are about private parts! :)

  12. I needed this advice about three years ago when I was dumb enough to teach my youngest proper terminology. For some reason the word he was taught really stuck...and it still gets used way too often. ;)

    The kids will appreciate blunt someday. It's way better than communication that's lacking.

  13. it's a good thing i have sons, the guys get most of the teasing regardless. dating? i'm not ready!!

  14. Very funny! Linkletter was right...Kids do say the darnest things! (How well I remember his show 'House Party') Have a great day!

  15. oh lol - I think it's best to be blunt with your kids so that your words are not open to interpretation. Enjoyed your post.

  16. Kids! They have wonderful timing with what they're not supposed to say in public! :)


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