Thursday, April 25, 2013

#AtoZ: V for Very Special Blogs

I want to highlight three Very Special blogs that I visit regularly. is a fun place for online randomness. Steve, from London, posts funny jokes, stories, and cartoons regularly that always make me laugh. Please check him out.

I also visit Rhonda daily at Rhonda has traveled all over the world and entertains with amazing and humorous stories. She's worth a click.

Finally, Binky and friends make me laugh every Monday & Thursday. These adorable comics, complete with colorful artwork, give a peek into the world of wombats. Find him at:

I couldn't get through the week without a laugh from these Very Special blogs! Therefore, I am presenting the Very Special Blog award to these bloggers. The rules are to give this award to 87 others and write 98 facts about yourself. Just kidding! You don't have to do anything, but I'd love to know that you saw this post.


  1. Wow Joyce, Thanks. I am really honored. I think I will get straight onto my tasks, so here goes 98 facts all about me: 1. I had an awesome roommate back in uni. 2. It was you. 3. I am tired . . . 98 I just dreamed them all, they weren't that interesting.

  2. Thanks for the award and the plug, Joyce! It's always been fun to come here and read your stories and reflections on life. I'm glad you enjoy my cartoons, too.

  3. Cool. I will check out these blogs. I love a good laugh:))

  4. Thanks a lot Joyce what a pleasant surprise your a gem what are ya?

    Have a lovely day :-)

  5. Buwahha, on the rules. I'm going to go visit all three. :)

  6. I've been to the first two, and they are hilarious! I'll have to go check out the 3rd now :)

  7. How great of you to share your fellow bloggers' blogs, Joyce. These ones look really fun, too. Must check them out.

    Cattitude and Gratitude

  8. Thanks for sharing them Joyce! will check them out. If YOU say they're good and funny they will be I know!

  9. Thanks for linking up with out bloglovin a new follower, hope you can follow back :)

  10. I've visited the first two on my WW hop and yes, they do make me smile every time! Will check out the third one.

    Thanks Joyce for trying several times to comment yesterday - not sure what happened to the comment thingy.

  11. Off to take a look at them - thanks for sharing, Joyce!

  12. I like posts like this because I learn about new blogs to read, so thank you. I am off to check them out ;)

  13. Thanks so much for the awesome links!

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:

  14. Thanks for the 'fun reads prescription!' (smile)


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