Sunday, April 21, 2013

Musical Monday & #AtoZ Presents S: Saturday Night Live

Here's a favorite from a hometown hero. I saw Justin Timberlake perform at a gifted teachers' conference. He was not tall nor did he sing anything risque. The Justin I saw was a cute, little boy with a lot of talent. When he became famous, he found his gifted teacher a better job. I'm still waiting for my students to bail me out.

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!


  1. Everybody grows up sooner or later. ;-) I hardly recognized him. Happy MM!

  2. Maybe you won't have to wait much longer!

  3. Hope it comes soon. I like Justin Timberlake.

    Happy MM.

  4. LOL hilarious never not seen this before brilliant :-)

    I'm sure your day will come Joyce you need a bit more patience heheh!

  5. Never give up hope Joyce - maybe someday!

  6. Thank you for joining us at our Let's Get Social Sunday party !
    With A Blast

  7. Justin is talented and SNL proves it plenty :)
    Thanks for stopping by and linking up, Joyce. It's always a pleasure to read your awesome posts :)

    Have a beautiful week.

  8. That's a hilarious look he was sporting. He still looks like a baby to me, I know that's a sign that I'm the old one. ;)

  9. That one always makes me laugh and laugh! He got major cred in this crazy house, for this one :P

  10. LOL - I actually had heard that one before, but completely forgot. When it started, I was thinking, "I know this song" but then I had to laugh when I learned what was in the box. Too funny. Great pick.

  11. This is one of my favorite SNL skits. Hilarious!

  12. OMG I ALMOST PLAYED THIS SONG! No joke, I ended up paying tribute to the gal who sang "I Touch Myself" since she passed instead but this is what I was planning before I heard she died. LOVE IT!

  13. HA... haha... bwahahahahahahahaha Give me a break & believe it or not I didn't recognize Justin T. right away! That's even funnier. Thanks for sharing & joining us. hahahahahaha too funny!

  14. Amusing indeed! :) what is Musical Monday exactly? I mean supposedly I want to link up what should I post about?

  15. You never know! Dreams might come true :)

    Thanks for sharing. It's amazing how life changes.

    Have a blessed day.

  16. You crack me up, Joyce! You bring a funny Monday and mine is a all deep and thoughtful! I appreciate your makes me laugh and gives me pause for thought (sometimes in the same message!)

    Happy Monday!

    The Other Side of the Equation

  17. To participate in Musical Monday, go to Lady Java's site and copy the link onto your blog. Post and musical selection, and you are good to go.

  18. I like Justin Timberlake's songs...well, only a selected few.

  19. That's really nice of Justin Timberlake to remember his teacher like that. I love hearing stories like this. Maybe, one day your ship will sail with the rise of one of your promising students.

    Thanks for joining the 4M dance crew on the floor!

  20. Timberlake is always my favorite SNL host. He's so funny!

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:


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