Thursday, May 2, 2013

#GBE2 : How To Be A Slob

This week's GBE2's topic is "write a how to post." My freshman English teacher gave
me this same assignment at the University of Missouri. Not knowing which topic to choose, my  roommate and I brainstormed topics. When the idea of, "How to be a slob" came up, I turned to Rhonda (Laugh Quotes) and said, "How do you be a slob? You're so good at it?"

She said,  "I'll show you." Next, she opened my underwear drawer and dumped everything out of it. So I did the same to hers. And the next drawer, and the next . . . before long we were tossing everything in the room into the air, to the point where we'd attracted an audience in the hall who couldn't understand why we were laughing.

That Dear Readers, is how 
 one becomes a slob.


  1. Sounds like my boys' rooms. Hysterical.

  2. I do remember that day. You were a quick learner and always an awesome roommate. Love the photo. Hard to believe we still look exactly as we did back in Uni.

  3. How cool that you guys were roommates!

  4. See ... you can learn things even from the messiest roomates! Loved that she totally owned what she was :-D I am here visiting via the bloglovin' hop. I am now following you via Bloglovin', GFC and Networked Blogs (don't want to miss something!)

    My Imperfect...

  5. Have you two been secretly giving my family lessons on how to become a slob? You deserve ever penny they have given you because they now have your techniques mastered.

  6. Seems pretty easy. LOL You both looked lovely then and no doubt still do. :-)

  7. To many, slobbery comes naturally.

  8. How wonderful that you two were roommies!! Yep, you gals looked cute!!!

  9. That's not slob...that's fun and playful and refreshing :)).

  10. I can imagine the madness. What's lovely to note is that you both are still connected and blogging too!

  11. lol. My mother used to do that when I refused to clean my room -- she made it worse by going in and dumping out all my bureau drawers so I had no choice.

  12. You're right! This Post is too too funny! Love it! You can sign my linky any time. I can just picture this! LOL Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend. Hope you sign up with me next week too and tell me all about your next escapade! LMAO

  13. Thanks so much for sharing this at A Peek Into Paradise TGIF Link Party.

    I hope you will come party with us next week and see if you were featured!

    Have a great week!



  14. LOL you messy girls you heheh!

    Well Joyce remind me never to let you and Rhonda near my drawers ...ooops!

    Have a slobtastic weekend

  15. You make slobbism sound to be positively fun. Maybe I should give it a try...
    Thanks for this fun post.
    Have a good week.

  16. Thanks for giving me quite the Saturday morning chuckle :)

  17. 1. I didn't know you went to Mizzou! Actually, now I'm thinking about it, maybe I did. Either way Mizzourah!

    2. Your roommate sounds awesome.

    3. Who cleaned up the mess?

  18. That is funny. But I think, my "OCD" would have made me clean up real fast after... :) Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi.

  19. That's awesome! My daughter and I just had a discussion about the state of her room. Her position is that if I just leave her alone, when it gets to a state of utter chaos, she will clean it up on her own...


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