Sunday, June 9, 2013

Musical Monday: Let's Do the Time Warp Again

As teens, who went to the midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Did you dress like Janet? Did you throw toast and keep your hair dry with newspapers? I once went with a friend and her dad, who was a professional movie critic. Guess what? 

He liked it!

So get on your feet and dance The Time Warp again.

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!


  1. OMgosh!! this one of our most favourite things to do every year. Our Grand Theatre played it every year and people would dress up, throw the toast...everything. It was awesome. Will gladly and always do the Time Warp!

  2. I remember that was quite the "IN" thing to do, then go to the midnight showing. :-D Although I never did that, the song is fun and brings back memories of that era. Happy MM and have a great week!

  3. First time to hear this song. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love this film I remember seeing this in a cinema in Piccadilly they used to show it in a different cinema in the West End and the audience used to dress up to go there in their favourite characters.

    Have a horrortastic week ;-)

    ps:"It's just a jump to the left"

  5. I used to go see this every week at midnight, but I haven't been in a while. I am overdue I think.

  6. LOL, I've still yet to see one ever. I'm so behind the times.

  7. Never saw this except on the tube. I'm sure I grew up too far in the sticks. Thanks for sharing; it sounds like it would have been a blast.

  8. Oh what fun! Now I'm going to go have to watch this movie AGAIN! Such a totally entertaining movie... great songs, and Meatloaf is so young there! I haven't watched it in a very long time, so it'll be fun! Thanks for sharing & joining us. YOU ROCK!

  9. I must painfully admit that I've never seen it...I should probably have my citizenship revoked :)

  10. Oh, my gosh when my Dad was picking us all up at the Movie theater after the show we would see them all lined up for the Midnight show and dressed up all 'weird', we always wondered what was going on. We never did go and then I eventually saw the movie at home, so wish I had seen it at the movie theater :)

    Lucy from Lucy's Reality

  11. It was a crazy picture, but it was fun.

  12. I've never been or seen the movie. I think I need to see what I'm missing ;)

    Thanks for rocking!

  13. It's the first time I've heard this one too! Thanks for sharing, Joyce!

  14. ROFL - what a throw back. I grew up in a small town - so no going to the theater to see it - instead I have fond memories of myself and a few of my best friends doing the time warp in the living room with the TV turned all the way up! :-)

    My Imperfect...

  15. I absolutely LOVE this song, and the film is such a cult classic. Thanks for Sharing Joyce. Happy MM to you.


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