Thursday, August 15, 2013

Busy Week

Between starting a new school year, making gifted referrals, parent meetings, and math workshops, I haven't had much down time this week. In fact, when one works ten to twelve hour days, it's tough to post or visit blogs. However, I am glad to learn that I am NOT stressed due to my passing the dolphin test by seeing identical dolphins in the photo. 

Why don't you check out your stress level?

The picture below has two identical dolphins in it. It was used in a case study on stress levels at St. Mary's Hospital.

Look at both dolphins jumping out of the water. The dolphins are
identical. A closely monitored, scientific study revealed that, in spite of the fact that the dolphins are identical; a person under stress would find differences in the two dolphins. The more differences a person finds between the dolphins, the more stress that person is experiencing.

Are you ready for the test?


  1. I'm going to pour a drink now because I'm over the top stressed!!!
    Have a great back to school time!!

  2. Where are the dolphins? I only see two cows. I am afraid you posted the wrong photo.

  3. Yay I passed the test too!

    Good luck with getting into the groove again. :-)

  4. Hopefully you get some down time this weekend. Those long days and weeks can be really rough. The photo made me smile :)

    Lucy from Lucy's Reality

  5. Whew, I know for a fact that I've only been drinking coffee...still and the same, I saw cow jumping out of that water (get the straight jacket now). :)

  6. hmm.. because I am SO stressed, I am calling it an early weekend!

  7. I must not be too stressed. :) Good one, Joyce!

  8. I think it's time to take up some heavy duty drinking! My kids don't go back to school until Wednesday, so I am sure that cow I see will be a dinosaur by then!

  9. Hahahahahahahaha - they look exactly the same to me :)

  10. I'm obviously under a ridiculous amount of stress!

  11. Yes, I love this exciting competition! I go with the cow! Wonderful photo!

  12. this was definitely a trick for us to relax, good job!

  13. I'm calm. I'm calm. I'm calm. I'm calm. I'm ...

  14. LOL I love it ! Definintely time for me to de-stress !
    Thanks for linking up with Weekend Writers xx

  15. OMG! I think I had better lay down LOL

    By the sounds of your busy schedule you should be seeing 2 Bulls and a Rhinoceros :-)

    Have a chillastic day :-)

    PS: Apologise for getting around late

  16. I'm under an extraordinary amount of stress.

  17. I'm in trouble. I need another weekend or two!

  18. Oh wow, my stress level must be way over the top ridiculous because the one dolphin looks like a cow to me. This picture was great for a little laugh.

  19. I think I know that dolphin. Is that Bob?

    So, your blog is about,,,humor?

  20. I think I will need to visit the doc. Urgent attention needed :|

  21. Too funny! Hope you have a less stressful week :)

  22. Thanks for linking up my Friday Flash Blog on The Jenny Evolution. I'm back from vacation and ready for a great party this week. See you there!


  23. holy cow!!
    I mean...dolphin. dolphins?
    IDK - what is it?
    this is too stressful. haha

    great post. hope your week gets mooooore better ;)


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