Thursday, August 8, 2013

#GBE2: First Steps

It's not a first step for me, or for anyone I know, but it is for a stranger with Myelodysplastic Disorder. This means the cells in her bone marrow are damaged and cannot produce new blood cells. Some of the cells that are produced are not normal, so the body destroys these. This disease often leads to leukemia and can be fatal; however, with a matching donor, stem cells may be added to her blood stream thus allowing her doctors and God to repair her body, so she may produce new blood cells on her own.

The first steps started with my husband who underwent an extensive physical and then took two shots a day, every day for five days. The shots filtered stem cells from his bone marrow to his blood stream. He could actually feel the stem cells moving and developed aches in his back which led to trouble sleeping. 

Today was the big day. Mitchell spent four hours hooked up to a machine that removed stem cells from his blood and then placed the blood back into his body with an added saline solution. 

The procedure was a success with the collection removing double the stem cells needed. This means that they might be able to freeze the stem cells for later use.

Mitchell is already feeling a little better and will be home tomorrow. Thank goodness my husband was willing to take the first steps to help a stranger fight cancer.


  1. I ❤ everything about this post. And I also <3 your husband's big heart and generous gift.

  2. What an amazing gift your husband is giving - to a complete stranger. I am quite sure that the recipient will be eternally grateful!

  3. I loved this post! My brother-in-law had a stem cell transplant 26 yrs. ago & is still enjoying life! What a gift your husband is giving! I was your neighbor at Friday Flash Blog this morning & am so glad that I was!
    Blessings to you & Mitchell!

  4. Your hubby is an inspiration brave too to benefit someone else, he looks well in the photo

    Thanks for the update

    My best wishes

  5. I'm glad your husband is doing OK - I wondered how it all went yesterday!
    What a great first step - generous beyond belief!!!

  6. Wow, how incredibly generous and hope your husband will be feeling much better soon :)

    Lucy from Lucy's Reality

  7. A true hero indeed! I wish more people were as generous with donations like this. Always breaks my heart when one refuses to be a donor and I think about the lives that could be saved. Your husband is top notch in my book :)

  8. I can't even begin to imagine how grateful that lady is (and you are) for such a kind soul.

    Hope he's feeling better soon, and high five for a successful transfer today!

  9. Wow! God will definitely bless him.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  10. That is a great thing your husband did, and I'm glad he's recovering nicely. It must be wonderful to be able to help someone in such a way. I'm sure you're very proud of him!

  11. wow HOW BRAVE and SELF LESS, what a testament of your love too, ok i am tearing up here

  12. Your husband is a true hero. You must be very proud of him. Some people talk the talk, but he's willing to walk the walk. Happy weekend to both of you.

  13. What a wonderful thing your husband did, and I'm glad he's recovering well. I pray that God will rain lots and lots of blessings on him!!!

  14. We were at the College of Charleston visiting our son when we came upon a booth where they were asking people to join the registry. My husband, son, and myself all got swabbed for our DNA. They said that out of every thousand people who join, only one gets called as a match because it's so tough to find a perfect genetic fit. To be honest, Mitchell had been hoping for a match, while I've been hoping not to be one. My thinking is, if I had cancer I'd take it, so how could I not give it? However, I'm not nearly as brave as him.

  15. You husband is quite an inspiration. Such stories makes us feel good about the world we reside in. Thanks for sharing.

  16. wow. Just wow. What an incredible thing he has done. I am just awestruck. What a wonderful gift he is giving, the gift of hope and renewed life. Just beautiful! :)

  17. You are both heroes to this stranger. Thanks for sharing Mitchell's brave story.


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