Sunday, November 17, 2013

Musical Monday: I Love Chinese Food

This one is dedicated to my kids. 
I'm looking forward to dinner on Christmas Eve when we'll go out for Chinese food with all the Jews.

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  1. I had never heard of that tradition (if anyone else other than your family does that!) before I started reading your blog.

  2. Go out to eat at any Chinese restaurant on Christmas Eve, and you'll see it's not just my family. It started because all of the other restaurant are closed.

  3. LOL - I miss those day, but no Chinese food for us.

  4. I love Chinese too! We always have Chinese on Christmas Eve with my husband's family, and we take turns. One year by them the next by us. We have so much fun! Thanks for sharing. New one for me!

  5. can I come I love chinese food

    Have a kungpotastic week Joyce ;-)

  6. I've been trying HARD to convince my parents to get Chinese on Christmas Day instead of cooking a huge meal! She always makes too much food and spends so much time cooking. Chinese would be so much easier.

  7. This is a bit of interesting Trivia to know. When I first read that you dine out on Christmas Eve at a Chinese restaurant the first thing I thought of was the movie, "A Christmas Story". Have you seen it? If not, you might like it. Great to dance with you on Monday's Music Moves Me!

  8. Do they not have Chinese restaurants in New Zealand???

  9. Going out for Chinese for Christmas seems kind of fun. It won't work around here. Time with family is good no matter how you spend it. Happy Monday!

  10. Family time and traditions are wonderful for bonding.
    Enjoy the time when it comes.

    I'd love to eat Chinese food sometime.


  11. My family used to go to a Chinese buffet over Christmas too! I loved it - something different.
    So want an egg roll now. Our local one makes the best ones ever.

  12. My kids love that song. It's almost as bad as the stupid Fox song!

  13. Never thought about having Chinese for Christmas. I love Chinese food too.
    Never heard this song though.

  14. I never heard that song. but I know of that tradition, my Aunt & Uncle do that.

    Have fun :)


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