Sunday, November 10, 2013

Musical Monday: West Side Story

Tonight we saw West Side Story at the Orpheum, so I had to include music from this amazing musical in my Monday post. The show was fabulous. Enjoy.

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  1. Oh I lurrrve the flash mobs i enjoyed both vids

    I often do my own flash mob around the lounge when alone gyrating and cartwheeling and head rolls you should try it. ;-)

    Have a mobtastic week ;-)

  2. GREAT musical. I haven't seen it in ages, but now I want to!

  3. I always enjoy flashmobs,and the other video was cool as well.

  4. Love it Joyce - such a great couple of tunes x

  5. I saw West Side Story live in St. Louis. I love the movie and musical. Great selections today!

  6. Aw man! Couldn't get them to come up.

  7. I remember watching West Side Story on TV when I was a kid and loved it. This makes me wanna see it again. Thanks for joining us on the dance floor on Monday's Music Moves Me!

  8. I love that story, and each time I watch it on video I cry, and the excitement of it just gets me every time. Well thanks! Now I have to go watch the movie. hehehehe Thanks for sharing and joining us! Have a great week.

  9. I think I finally saw it.
    Very good choices!

    Have a blessed week.

  10. great musical!
    And somebody please please please put me in your Flash Mob!! love it.
    it's seriously on my bucket list - even though I don't really sing outside the shower and probably have close to 2 left feet.
    but someday!!!

  11. Great show with great music. Fun pick for the week.

  12. West Side Story is awesome! And I love a good flash mob! We were debating on seeing the live version. If you say it's good, next time it's in town I am definitely getting tickets!

  13. I was part of the play in high school, one of my favorites. I LOVE the flash mob, those always amaze me!


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