Sunday, February 16, 2014

Musical Monday: We Can Dance - Hollywood Movie Dance Tribute

What's your favorite Hollywood dance scene?
 It's just might be here.


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PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!


  1. Who knew there was one video that covered all the best dancing movie scenes, I loved it!! Thanks so much for sharing it here.

    Happy Monday and Keep it movin'.

  2. Funny....This is great! Happy Monday!

  3. It won't let me play the video. :(
    I think Grease had some great dance scenes, and Footloose did too. :)

  4. YES YES YES!!!
    I could watch that all day LONG!
    I had to share that on my Facebook.

    And Hugh Grant for the win!!
    Love that scene.

  5. I thought it was going to stop in the middle there & I'm thinking awwwww and then it started up again woo hoo!!! Loved it! Thanks for sharing. They had so many in there. Totally cool! YOU ROCK GIRLFRIEND!

  6. Apparently people are wanting to dance with me today! Whoo hoo!

  7. Best dance scene? Now there's an oxymoron!

  8. I absolutely enjoyed this! Especially when they switched the cassette to the next side. haha.

  9. I loved dancing with the likes of all these featured in this fun video. How fun! And...the beat of this song is totally catchy and absolutely bringing me to my feet to dance. ;)

  10. Lol. This is one of my brothers favorite songs.

  11. Whatever you were trying to share didn't come up.

  12. The dances were fun, but it's the song that is my favorite part of the video.


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