Monday, April 21, 2014

#AtoZ: I'm Going to Be Sagging Soon!

It's been a long time coming, but I finally can see myself sagging. To really sag a lot, I must spend time around an abundance of food, such as cookies, crackers, fruits, and gels. Maybe, one day I'll sag more than anyone in town.

But I wish I didn't have to sag in the early morning hours. 

Whatever it takes to support Superman as he leads the training for the Century 100 Mile Ride, again. Did you think I was talking about my body sagging? Ha! I'd rather bike than sag, but the cars passing close on the road scare me enough to wet my pants. So I'll just sag.


  1. As a biker, fellow blogger, humor writer & A-Z sufferer, may I just say how much I appreciate bike sags! Thanks so much for the work you do. What rides are you sagging? I'm hoping on 2-3 state rides this year.

  2. and here I thought you were talking about boobs! ☺
    Debbie @ The Doglady's Den

  3. I'd like to bike long distance. I'd be afraid of the cars, though.

  4. Confused, what's a sag. (In my case it does have to do with body parts.)

  5. It scares me when the cars get too close too, and we just ride up to the trail (about a mile away).

  6. Hello! So, about sagging, i had to look that up to make sure i understood. That's great that you support Superman this way.

  7. You are a superwoman and it's a great way to be agile and proactive.

  8. ok, I confess. I thought about boobs. normally a woman can't make me do that.
    So I had to google bike sag. OHHHH.
    I probably should have just asked DH -- he's an expert on both. :)

  9. What does bike sagging mean? I'll admit it: I've never heard the term, although I used to be an avid bike rider--before knee transplant days. I'm glad you're not sagging in other, body parts. Have fun.

  10. I also had to look up what sag meant in this context. It's awesome that you're supporting your partner.


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