Sunday, April 27, 2014

#MM & #AtoZ X for Xanadu

Remember Olivia Newton John in Xanadu? 
Great music but movie, not so much.

That's me!

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  1. Funny. I've got the Xanadu video on my W posting for A to Z.

    I've never see the movie, but love the song.

  2. Ha ha ha-of course all of us from A-Z will post this one today! lol

    I do have a couple more though. :)

    COngrats on the Spotlight.

  3. I think someone else picked Xandu also - Oilivia Newton John is popular this week. Congratulations on being the Spotlight Dancer. Happy Monday!

  4. Congrats on being this week's spotlight dancer, Joyce! I do remember Xanadu, and totally agree with you ~ great music, but movie not so much. Have a Xtra special day! :)

  5. Excellent choice Joyce (don't you just love it when it rhymes)

    Used to love this especially ELO

    Have a tanfastic week ahead ;-)

  6. I agree - the movie was kinda 'meh', but the music was awesome! Excellent choice - and very creative with the A-Z challenge! ;) CONGRATS on your Spotlight Dance! :)

  7. I loved this movie when I was younger. I think I just wanted to love anything that Olivia Newton John did because Grease was my favorite. That's what is great about being young--we don't have to justify why we love something besides--I love this person so much. Everything he/she does is AWESOME! :)

  8. I've not seen the movie nor am I too familiar with her, but quite interesting!

    Happy Monday!

  9. That song brings back memories, but i never watched the movie.

  10. Even Olivia said "The movie makes my stomach turn", but music was great.

  11. Oh wow. Now, THAT'S a blast from the past! Congrats on being this week's spotlight dancer. :-)

  12. Denise has so got that right! A blast from the past, but great music. I've sat through that movie a few times just listening to the music. CONGRATS ON BEING IN THE SPOTLIGHT & DON'T forget to send me a theme for next week to me via e-mail - thanks! :)

  13. I liked Citizen Kane's Xanadu.

  14. I certainly do remember Olivia Newton John in Xanadu. The song was a summer hit but the movie was unfathomable. Or maybe I was just too young to figure it out.

  15. The film was stovies, no denying it, but you can't deny either that this is a fabulous feelgood song.


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