Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Margo Dill's Book and Contest

I planned to post this Monday night, but our power went out, again. I'll see you next week for Wordless Wednesday.

Busch Stadium by Phil www.flickr.com

Great question! Margo's young adult novel, Caught Between Two Curses (Rocking Horse Publishing, March 2014), is the story of 17-year-old Julie Nigelson, who is cursed. So is her entire family. And it’s not just any-old-regular curse, either—it’s strangely connected to the famous “Curse of the Billy Goat” on the Chicago Cubs, hence the All-Star baseball week celebration.

Julie must figure out this mystery while her uncle lies in a coma and her entire love life is in ruins: her boyfriend Gus is pressuring her to have sex, while her best friend Matt is growing more attractive to her all the time. Somehow, Julie must figure out how to save her uncle, her family’s future, and her own love life—and time is running out! 
What have people been saying about Margo's book?
Here are a few lines from a couple reviews on Amazon.com:
"This book is one of the best I have read in a long time. Once I opened it up I could not stop until I was finished."  ~Janet Cannon
 "A baseball mystery and a contemporary, heartfelt romance, CAUGHT BETWEEN TWO CURSES is sure to score big with the young teen audience!" ~Cathy C. Hall

"I definitely recommend this to young adults, but really any adult because it's a story that keeps you interested and will stay with you long after you finish." ~Amie Merz
Okay, so what is the contest and the sale???
photo by DonkeyHotey flickr.com
Here's the part you've been waiting for.  First the sale: 
The Kindle ebook is...99 cents July 14/15, $1.99 July 16/17, $2.99 July 18/19, and back to $3.99 July 20.
The print copy is for sale ON MARGO'S WEBSITE (http://margodill.com/blog/books/) and is $5.00 off the cover price, so only $6.95 (+$3.00 for shipping and handling). She will autograph it and gift wrap if it's a gift, plus include a bookmark for free. More details at the link above. (The print version is also on sale for $10.76 (10 % savings) on Amazon.com.) 
 If you are an Amazon Prime Member, you can check out the e-BOOK for free at anytime!
The contest:
Go to the Rafflecopter form below this post--all you need to enter is your name and e-mail, which is how I contact you if you win one of the prizes. Do at least one of the tasks below and then click on the entry button to enter the contest. You can do as many tasks as you want! If you are confused or have any questions, please feel free to e-mail Margo at margo (at) margodill.com. Tasks range from leaving a review of Caught Between Two Curses to announcing the contest and sale on a social media page to uploading a photo of you in baseball gear. See below for more.
Margo L. Dill
The prizes:
One winner with a United States mailing address will win a $25 gift card to either Applebee's, TGI Fridays, Starbucks, Panera Bread, or Olive Garden (winner's choice). One runner-up winner will receive a free 3000-word critique from Margo (Editor 911)--this can be anywhere in the world as long as the document is in English. The contest goes from July 14 to July 20. Winners will be announced on July 21! 
What are you waiting for?
So, join in the fun and while you're entering the contest or buying a sale copy of Caught Between Two Curses, join in a rousing rendition of  "Take me out to the ballgame. Take me out with the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks. I don't care if I ever get back. . ." 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I need to tell Twink about this!

  2. I would not consider it a curse but we do seem to have a terrible habit of falling over invisible objects. ;)

  3. "You were given this life and you are strong enough to live it."
    Robin Sharma

  4. I think people can be cursed by others but I think the person has to believe they are to actually be cursed.

  5. Get a lawyer and sue the power company Joyce for Wordless Wednesdayless.

    Have a contesttastic week ;-)

  6. A curse: Well one year my mom had her ankle fused (she had Polio), I broke my foot because I fell in the shower, my Dad just got special arch supports for his shoes, and Isaak had bowed feet from birth. My mom and I had our boots on, and my Dad and Isaak had special shoes. I felt like we were feet cursed.

  7. Quote: “Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?”
    ― Frida Kahlo

  8. Do I believe in curses? A little. Well I supposed a little. My family has a genetic condition to pass on called Trisomy 18. It's rare to be able to pass it on. It's a family curse.

  9. Thanks for sharing your curses. Hopefully, things will come to pass. My family is cursed with a strong Diabetes risk.

  10. It sounds like it's geared towards the YA audience, but would really be great for anyone YA and older. Cool. :)

    I'm familiar with the All-Star season. We had to time our restaurant visit last night around the start of the game, to ensure hubby got a seat in time to see the opening pitch. ;)

  11. Caught Between Two Curses sounds like a great read. But me personally, I don't believe in curses. :)

  12. "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."

    Irina Dunn


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