Sunday, September 21, 2014

#MM The Missouri Waltz

Nowhere on the internet can I find the words to the Missouri Waltz song that match the ones we sang at the football games, so I'll share from memory. Forgive me if I'm off after all these years.

Mary Margaret Truman was the daughter of the pres.
She lived in the White House with her ugly mother Bess.
There was no sense debating
her high social rating.
She was a member of Pi Beta Phi.
Trouble in the White House there was nothing left to do.
Mary Margaret Truman grabbed her father's fifty-two
and she went to Missouri
and started a brewery
so let's

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  1. You go girl! RAH RAH SIS BOOM BAH HA HA I'm totally losing it. I thought you weren't playing this week or am I mistaken again. Glad you're here never fear... time to rock & roll! hehehe

  2. First tine I'm hearing this Football Waltz but I know so little about baseball and its history... Thanks for the words to that cute little song and thanks for the dance as always. Happy Monday!!

  3. What interesting lyrics for a fight song! lol Great to have you on the dance floor, Joyce!

  4. Oh i loved that and the discreet moves heheh!

    Have a bandtastic week

    Oh! PS: Great choice Joyce

  5. What fun!
    Rock on today girl and have a fun week.

  6. interesting fight song. ha
    I think it would be fascinating now to research all these fight songs and where they started. I don't know that we have stuff like this up here in Canada.

  7. Cool Beans!! But I gotta Say it GO BUCKS!!!!!!

  8. Some lyrics are better than others.

  9. You have me smiling for sure with this one. thank you for the giggle.

  10. lol So the Internet DOESN'T have everything??? :)


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