Tuesday, November 4, 2014

WW: Just Like Mom Used to Make

My sister made this, whatever it is, for my son. 
He said it was, "Just like Mom used to make." 
Mom never made this, or ate it.

It reminds me of a scene from "Galaxy Quest" when 
Dr. Lazarus receives a meal from his home planet.

I can't eat food that looks like worms swimming in a swamp.
My kids should have had my sister as their mom.

On another note, come back Thursday 
and enter my Jord watch giveaway.


  1. Well it does look interesting, I have seen lime being used in soup before.

  2. Maybe he meant "I wish mom made stuff like this."

  3. That's too funny! That means he just love that whatever it is.

  4. Love the look of the lime and most of the soup. I'm not a bean sprout kind of gal.

    Happy WW!

  5. Are you sure she didn't scoop that out of the garbage disposal. ewwwwwww LOL

  6. Mongo Sprouts are nice tho yes they look abit like worms =)

  7. Actually, that soup looks really good, like a miso soup. You should make it sometime.

  8. Interesting! I might try it now, but certainly wouldn't had my mom made it when I was a child.

  9. "ohhhh, that's not right." LOL

    actually it looks rather good. kinda like this soup I used to order at Japanese restaurant my sister and I used to love to lunch at.

  10. hahaha I wonder if my kids will ever have fond memories of what I cooked. Prolly not, I do it daily but it's def. not my big skill.

  11. I love the interpretations on what mom made

  12. I love the things kids come up with. Our grandchild crack me up!!
    Happy WW!

  13. That looks like a really good soup. I'd probably like it too.

  14. Kids didn't come up with this, Cathi. My adult children love it! I'm the one who won't eat it.

  15. interesting post as always from a wonderful mom,teacher and writer..Moms are the greatest cooks for the food tastes yummy for their kids as its filled with the ingredient of mommy love..smiles:))

  16. Well, as long as he liked it! Maybe you could make it, and if you knew how, you'd like it, too.


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