Tuesday, November 25, 2014

#WW: Memphis Comic and Fantasy Convention / Part I

I asked random strangers if I could take their pictures.

This one recognized me as his former teacher. He looks different without his red hair.


  1. Great costumes! I haven't mastered the skill of asking strangers to pose for photos at the conventions I go to yet.

  2. it's so fun to see everybody getting into the fun and dressing up to their parts!

  3. What great costumes, you all look like you were having fun!!!

  4. The photos turned out fun! I'm usually too shy to ask for random shots of people.

  5. How very brave of you to ask total strangers. Something I really have to work on.

  6. Fun photos. I love that one of them recognized you as their former teacher :)

  7. What a great idea do a lot of people walk about dressed like that LOL loved this
    "This one recognized me as his former teacher. He looks different without his red hair."
    especially this part
    "He looks different without his red hair."

    What would be your preferred Joyce choice (see i got that in) Red or bright green hair? LOL

  8. What a fun event! Love the second photo =)

  9. It looks like everyone has a great time! Such creative people.

  10. Hatter! I love the Mad Hatter. :)

    You got some cool pictures, your former student's makeup looks awesome!

  11. Cool shots! It looks like you had a lot of fun. My oldest likes to go to those comic conventions.

  12. You taught the Joker? Does that mean you're evil?

  13. How fun! Amazing what people can do!

  14. Best part of any comic con or fan convention is the cosplayers!! I love seeing all the costumes. I must have over 100 from the one I went to in Toronto.

    Pikachu!! :)

  15. Too fun!!
    The San Diego Comic Con is near us.
    Happy WW!

  16. Oh wow, those are great costumes indeed. Happy Thanksgiving my friend. I am thankful for friends like you and I hope all your troubles are tiny ones and the Lord brings you Love, Peace, and Happiness!

  17. lovely costumes in brilliant colors!...must be super fun :)

  18. Cool pictures, the Joker is my favourite. This reminds me of when I went LARPing last weekend. Since I'm under 16 mum has to chaperone me and while doing it she takes pictures. She wrote a blog post about it at Albom Adventures, and I think it's the first picture that she wrote all the people turned around and did some really good poses for her :).


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