Sunday, March 15, 2015

#MM Parody Songs

You can take just about any of your favorite songs and find a parody. For example . . .

Moves Like Jagger becomes Jabba

Take me to Church becomes Don't Take Me to Work

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava’s Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!


  1. I really like the second one: Don't Take me to Work! Makes me so glad that I am retired!

  2. Both brilliant LOL

    What a fab choice Joyce :-)

    PS: Can't say choices cos it don't rhyme :-)

  3. Cute videos. I prefer the original of both :)

  4. OMG I hadn't seen those yet! LOVE those parody's! Perfect choices for this week, Joyce! Thanks for the giggle! :)

    Online Celebrity – I’m Gonna Miss Her… YOLO!

  5. Oh my goodness that parody is so funny! I love it.

  6. bwahahahahaha I haven't heard either one of these. They're hysterical. Thanks for sharing... LMAO... Way ta go!


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