Sunday, March 8, 2015

#MM: Weddings

Have you seen Maroon 5's Sugar video? 
They crashed weddings to make this video gone viral.

One more from Tim Hawkins. Here are the most inappropriate songs to sing at weddings . . .  especially when the bride is walking down the aisle. Tee hee.

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava’s Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!


  1. It's nice to be annoyingly needed.

  2. I hadn't seen their vid till this morning & LOL @ the other one :-)

    Wait for it...

    Nice choice Joyce :-)

  3. I almost put the Maroon 5 this morning because I did see it and thought it was great.

    That Tim H. one is too funny!

  4. Funny videos. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Loved the videos. Especially the expressions of all the married couples when they realized who the band was.

  6. Sometimes i wonder about that first sign.

    Funny videos!

  7. I love it, especially the Spider Man cartoon! Thanks for the Linky, too :)

  8. Hubby's sitting next to me and I laughed and read this out loud. He said, 'you don't annoy me.' I started going down the list, but he won't admit the things I listed annoy him. Probably he was annoyed that I recited the list, buwhahahahahahaa

  9. I never annoy my husband. I just asked him, buwahahahhahahahahhaaha :)

  10. Oh... well, I thought my first comment didn't take (I wasn't signed in to Google). So I retyped a much shorter one. And now with this one, you'll have three. Sheesh... guess I'm being a blog comment hog today.

    And I like Maroon 5, a lot!

  11. Gotta love Tim Hawkins. He is my favorite comedian. Great Spiderman comic too.

  12. Ooh yes please. I love that song :)
    Hope your week is going great!

  13. Ow wow, love this one. LOL It's funny because next week's theme is funny songs. Today was a freebies!!! bwahahaha this guy is good!!! Thanks for sharing!

  14. WooHoo! We're song twinsies for once! >;o)~ Of course I love the Maroon 5 choice - and that second one? HI-Larious!! :) Awesome choices, Joyce!

    A Guy Walks Into a Bar Doin’ Country Right – Raise ‘Em Up, Sugar!

  15. OMG, how funny! Now what are we going to do for Funny Music this Monday? We played our cards too soon!

  16. Thanks for the smile - great choices this week!


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