Sunday, June 19, 2016

#MMMM Summer!

Are your kids driving you nuts this summer? 
If so, check out my Boredom Busters, and then, 
sit back and enjoy summer songs. 

If your kids are a little older, here's another booklet just for them!

And a song . . .


  1. In The Summertime an absolute classic good choices Joyces (that was the only way to get it to rhyme) :-)

  2. Great idea for a problem I no longer have. Empty nest has its advantages.

  3. Kids are finishing up their school year here - Thursday they go for a few hours, then they're done for the summer! I'll definitely utilize your Boredom Buster booklets should the need arise. ;)

    Love your song choices! I almost posted that Mungo Jerry song (and it's still going through my head) but since I didn't, I'm glad you did. ;) Have a great week!

    it may be a Long Hot Summer so we’ll be Beachin’ All Summer Long with Two PiƱa Coladas and a Cheeseburger in Paradise

  4. Great song choices, and i'm going to keep passing the word along to mothers i know whose kids would like these books you write.

  5. I can't understand how anyone could be bored with summer!

  6. So far, the kids aren't bored, but it's a long summer yet right? :)

    Thanks for sharing the summer tunes.

    Have a great week!


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