Sunday, July 10, 2016

#MM Wordless Songs

Tomorrow, I'm leaving my husband in Memphis, with three vicious dogs, and heading to the Teacher's Pay Teachers Conference in Orlando. I am so excited to learn how to sell all of these products I've made. Although I do well, I believe I can do much better, so I'm off to network and get new tips! 

Erica and I are taking a long car ride. Being in a car for a long time makes me think of wordless songs, so here are two great ones. First up is Jessica by The Allman Brothers Band. This song was sang on the road when Kevin Costner and James Earl Jones went to––or was it from––Iowa in Field of Dreams. Either way, I love listening to the instrumentals.

Next up is an amazing song by Edgar Winter called, "Frankenstein." Go figure. I'm not sure why it's called that but could probably spend my time googling it rather than packing. I think I'd better pack, so you can look it up and tell me, if you wish. Have a great week. I know I will!


  1. Joyce, groovy idea with the wordless songs for your freebie choice. I like listening to instrumental music from time to time, too. I hope you have a good time in Orlando; networking and selling your educational materials. Thanks for stepping out on the 4M dance floor today. Have a tunetastic week, my friend!

    #Burt Reynolds Movie Theme #Songs Move Me

  2. No idea why they call it "Frankenstein," but it's mostly a display of all the instruments Edgar Winter can play. He re-recorded it with some spoken-word stuff at the beginning, and Rick Derringer (who's playing guitar here) has done a "smooth jazz" version. Nowhere near as good as the original, though.

    I miss the acoustic guitar in "Jessica," to be honest. It adds a little extra texture. Still, this was a good version.

  3. No idea how it got it's name, but it sounds like Smoke on the Water.

    Sorry, I don't like either of these two songs. I think I would turn them off for silence on a long drive.

  4. Have a good and non-silent trip!

  5. Love those songs! Have a fantastic time at your conference!

  6. I hope someone does google it, I'm curious too. And good luck at the conference. I hope you come home with lots of great and very useful tips!

  7. Those are great road-trippin' tunes, Joyce! I did find this for ya:

    "It got its title because of the intense editing that went into the song; it became a monster when it was pieced together in the studio. Says Winter: "When we were editing it in the studio, back in those days when you edited something, you physically had to cut the tape and splice it back together, so it was all over the control room, draped over the backs of chairs and the couch. We were making fun of it, trying to figure out how to put it back together, saying 'Here's the main body; the leg bone's connected to the thigh bone... ' Then Chuck Ruff, my drummer, says, 'Wow, man, it's like Frankenstein.' As soon as I heard that, I went, 'Wow, that's it!' The monster was born." "

    So there ya go! :) Have fun on your trip - hope your hubby survives your absence. ;)

    gonna Sing Sing outta my Misery Without A Fight wearing Lipstick – but Enough About Me!

  8. I hope you had or are having a successful trip!
    Thank you for sharing the music for the road.



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