Tuesday, January 17, 2017

#WW Blah

As Wordless Wednesday rolls around, I realize blogging has taken the backseat. I've been busy with work; however, today was different. I was at school for two hours, once again not feeling top notch. I felt bad enough to go home, so I did and slept for four hours. When I got up, I saw my doctor. I have a virus that will just need to run its course. I still have a headache, am feeling blah, and have stomach issues, so I'm going to stay home another day. In all honesty, I haven't felt good all week and am pretty sure I ran a fever Friday night. So, here's to rest.

You don't want a photo of me right now, so I'm posting the good looking people––my son and his girlfriend on New Year's Eve. Aren't they cute?



  1. They are so cute! I hope you feel better soon for the next semester to happen.

  2. A lovely couple! Praying you feel better very quickly.

  3. They are adorable :) Feel better soon!

  4. Hope you feel better--and the New Year takes off to a better start once you do!

  5. Great photo. They are too cute together.

  6. Maybe I got my cold from you! Get well soon.

  7. They are a good looking couple. Hope you're feeling better soon!


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