Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Not Hotdog App

My son found a great FREE app that makes life 
much easier for the thought challenged!

Just head to your app store and download it for FREE! This app will tell you whether or not something is a hot dog. Read its many reviews from happy consumers.


  1. That's so funny! They make an app for just about everything!

    Our latest find was to say to Siri, "I see a little silhouette of a man" and she finishes the song for you. It's pretty funny.

  2. LOL well I never thought I would be saying this but my hot dog is bigger than yours Joyce ;-) (Damn that didn't rhyme)

    Have an apptastic day :-)

  3. That could be very useful here in New Zealand, as what they call a hotdog isn't what I would call a hotdog.

  4. That's a riot! I have to tell my 11yo to download that. He'll love it!

  5. What people won't come up with next! Thanks for the laugh.

  6. What if your hot dog is cold? Is it still a hot dog?


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