Sunday, October 8, 2017

Fall Music and Products

Here's my first "fall" Music post. Enjoy Tyler Joseph and Josh
as they fall down. Twenty-One Pilots must have the clumsiest lead singer of all.

And the lantern may have fallen in the shed to start 
The Great Chicago Fire, so:

Oh, wait. Xmas Dolly said, "Autumn" theme not "fall." Let's try this, again. 

Welcome The Mamas and the Papas with "California Dreamin'."

Oh, no! You said, "Autumn." I think I went too far because the leaves have turned brown as opposed to pretty colors, but it felt fall-like to me, and it is the first and only song I thought of with the theme being "Autumn." Please give me one more chance. I'll get this theme right! 

Here's Van Morrison with Moondance.

Now, that one fits the theme, as does this:

Finally, my title does read "Fall Music" and no one falls better than
Buster Keaton


  1. Great post Joyce! I love your take on the "Fall" theme! Very funny. And the Buster Keeton montage was fabulous! I need to watch some of his movies, especially the one that Orson Welles called "cinema's highest achievement in comedy and possibly the greatest film ever made!" Now that's an endorsement!

    I'm like you: the first song I think of when I think Fall or Autumn is definitely California Dreamin'. LOVE THAT SONG!

    Does the Twenty One Pilots singer/drummer really fall like that or is that a put-on? I must say: I used to fall all the time. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've fallen...and usually in really embarrassing situations. I can fall UP a hill. I've done it. Lol.

    And Moondance was a perfect choice for this theme too. Love me some Van Morrison!

    Have a great week. Don't fall! :)

    Michele at Angels Bark

  2. Joyce,

    I always expect to find a bit of comic relief at your place and this morning is no exception to deliver some great smiles. I love your spin on the theme and you definitely get an A+ in my opinion. Buster Keaton is a name I haven't thought of in a long time. Those silent film comedians didn't have to say anything to make you laugh, did they? Facial expressions and body action says it all. What's this, you shared a Van Morrison song, too? "Moondance" This tune would've worked well with my playlist and I think I'll be sure to add it to mine, so to not loss it. Thanks for sharing and for the fun dance. Now, let's hope now of us "fall" down this week. :)

  3. I never even considered "falling" as part of the theme. I also had "California Dreamin'," and even though it says it's winter, winter is like fall in California, and the imagery at the beginning (All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray) said fall to me.So it counts... ;)

  4. I love the old silent film actors.

  5. Joyce,

    I love it when we think outside of the box and use our creativity to come up with our own spin on the theme. You did a wonderful job with this one!

  6. Ohhhhhhhhhhh hahahahah! I love it! This week's theme was definitely challenging and you put a different twist on it! FANTASTIC! YOU ROCK! I love "Moon Dance"! It's such an upbeat tune! Great job Joyce. YOU ROCKED THE HOUSE!

  7. A fun and funny post! Also, i don't believe the cow started the fire, i think that was cover for the men who were illegally gambling in the barn and knocked that lantern over.

    Have you ever heard of the Peshtigo Fire? Same day at the Chicago Fire, but almost ten times the casualties and horrific destruction beyond what Chicago saw. No one then cared, they were too worried about Chicago, so it got no media attention and no help came. That might be one for a future product.

  8. I love the Mamas and The Papas. Mama Cass had such a great voice!

  9. Oh boy, he does fall a lot! My son likes their music. :)


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