Friday, October 27, 2017

Halloween Freebie

Do you see a ghost in the mirror? I do! Actually, with a good stare, I see several of them, and I haven't been drinking this morning, either. When I toured the very haunted Woodruff Fountaine house in Memphis, I took a photo of the room and caught a corner of the mirror. Many people have reported seeing faces in the mirrors when they look at their photos, so I chose to blow up and play with the editing button on the iphone and voila

I don't know what you'll see, but I see several images. I see . . .

1.)  a Victorian woman in the center of the photo.
2.)  an older gentleman looking over her left side.
3.) a white profile to her right that has a fairly clear ear while the top of the head is wispy.
4.) a possible figure in the lower corner across from the white image.

I also see a bumpy pumpkin in the first writing prompt!

I'm currently at a school where the kids do not celebrate Halloween, so I need to pass this revised freebie onto y'all. I am offering two writing prompts with a Halloween theme for FREE!

Here I am with another one of my pajama posts, too.



  1. Remind me not to tour the haunted house! Those give me the creeps.

  2. Do you really give ghost tours? That is really cool. I can imagine you would be great at this. When we lived in CA a local haunted restaurant added some electronically enhanced "haunts" to increase the likelihood of seeing a ghost.


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