Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wordless Wednesday Russian Immigration 1904

It's been ages since I participated in a Wordless Wednesday. I've decided to post a photo of my newest product, which is now 50% off for 24 hours. This one is special to me because it shares my family history.

#TpT story on Romanov Jews

I was inspired to write this after seeing Anastacia on stage. The story, like others I've seen or read tends to romanticize the Romanov family, while portraying Nicholas Romanov as an endearing father who was unjustly murdered. Well, I'm here to tell you, this "nice" guy murdered my great grandparents along with several of their children. So I decided to tell the true story of the Tzar.


  1. Russian history is fascinating and brutal. Russians always seemed to suffer greatly under their leaders.

  2. It seems that much of history is riddled with only the nice side of things.

    Happy Wordless Wednesday. ♪♫♪♫

  3. Wordless Wednesday, it is hard not to use words. I found your post interesting, thank you for sharing. Also appreciate your visit to my blog.

  4. The history of where you are from is so important. I had a Great Grandma that came on a ship from Sweden to America. My husband had a Grandpa that fought in WWII. He was pretty highly ranked. I had a Great Uncle that did the same; he even went through Hitler's camp, and saw his dog. Pretty scary! I know he had nightmares throughout his adulthood.

  5. Thank you for presenting a more realistic side of history.

  6.'s important to understand history from more than one perspective.


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