Monday, January 18, 2021

Fraction Problems for Elementary Kids on Teachers Pay Teachers

February is coming up, so many of you are looking for ways to teach fractions. Kids often struggle with the concepts surrounding these broken numbers. I like to use slices of pizza when introducing the idea of subtracting fractions and mixed numbers. 

For example, say you have one whole pizza and three individual slices under the heat lamp of your store. If you cut your whole pizza into eight slices, you will have eight more slices or 8/8.

So, your 8/8 plus the 3/8 that are left from the last pie, gives the shop eleven available pieces.

8/8 + 3/8 = 11/8

This, of course, is better explained through pictures.

picture examples to teach fractions to kids #TpT #iteachtoo

I have a great lesson for introducing fractions with regrouping by taking students through steps from a made up pizza parlor. Why not check this out?

Teaching fractions is easy with PowerPoint for screen share and distance learning.

Catch My Products is filled with resources to help you and your kids through fraction season. Another resource is my Mixed Number and Improper Fractions PowerPoint Lesson with a Printable Worksheet. I like this resource because I recently revised it with cute clipart from a new seller on TpT, Palmer's Pix. His clipart is adorable, but since he just started, he doesn't have a lot, yet. I'm looking forward to seeing what he creates.

Easy use lesson to teach students to add fractions and mixed numbers. #teachers #blog

If you teach younger grades, I've got you covered, too. I love this little Fraction Exploration PowerPoint that uses an example from Mr. Hats to showcase fractions according to hat sizes. This shop has great hats for men!

Teaching math is fun and easy with PowerPoint lesson on Teachers Pay Teachers. #education #fractions

Be sure to check out all of my fraction resources in order to get ready for your February math lessons!

Teach kids how to work with fractions in February. Fun lessons to enhance understanding and meet core standards of instruction found on Teachers Pay Teachers. #edu #teacher #teachers


  1. These would be good for grown-ups who never quite "got" fractions, either!

  2. Great and creative teaching. I followed your blog now. Thx

  3. Fractions work well with chocolate bars that have those little squares, too.

  4. My neighbor asked me for some help with fractions. I had no idea what she was talking about and her daughter's teacher hadn't sent any practice homework home so it wasn't like either of us could look at the problems and figure it out ourselves. It was something along the lines of when dealing with a fraction you can "annex a zero" and somehow that makes the fraction easier to simplify?

    I could illustrate that 40/100 = 4/10 = 2/5 but I have never heard "annex a zero" before in my life.

    Probably too little information for you to make any sense of it either, but as far as I can tell it's just more Common Core stuff that I will never hope to understand.

  5. It almost sounds like converting fractions to decimals. I've never heard that term, though.


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