Thursday, February 4, 2021

Six Sentence Stories

My friend, at messymimismeanderings entered a six sentence story hop. I love writing, and also the chance to show my skill with words to go along with my last post. The prompt is, "Mark." I don't know him but will figure something out!

My Six Sentence Story

     "Valentine's Day is coming, and I want to set you up with Mark," my friend said.

     I held my breath for longer than I should have but couldn't stomach the thought of another blind date in which the dude had a dead fly in his ear, looked like the model for a poster I once saw asking, Are you a nerd?, and ordered peaches and cottage cheese at the pie shop. "No thank you!"

    Mimi gave me a I'm-not-letting-you-out-of-it face as she pulled out a photo from her wallet and thrust it in my hand. "That's him!"

    The man in the photo reminded me of a younger version of Mark Wahlberg, so I told her to mark me down for Marky Mark.

This is a blog hop. It's been awhile since I've gone hopping, so off I go. If you like my writing, you can purchase my mid-grade novel, Mrs. Zimmerman's Donuts on Teachers Pay Teachers. I also have a lot of instructional material on writing for kids, here. Furthermore, I love to write stories or reading passages with questions for all grade levels, to sell in my teacher's store, Catch My Products

To quote Mimi, I'm . . .

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Mark.  


  1. Glad Mimi convinced you to link up to SSS.
    As long as the guy allows you to order pie, he can order all the peaches and cottage cheese he wants. HaHa

    Some blind dates turn out to be a match that ends up being the perfect match, especially when arranged by trusted friends. 🙂

  2. Thanks for playing along, you did great!

  3. Welcome to Six Sentence Stories!
    Fun Six. Made me smile. I wonder, did "Marky Mark" turn out to be OK? :D
    We've all had our fair share of "bad" blind dates but it's a numbers game. You never know if the next one will be Mr./Mrs. right. Right?!!

  4. Mark is dumb. He doesn't like chocolate. I don't like people who don't like chocolate. They have no taste. I went home and ate all the chocolate myself. Mark went home and ate broccoli.

  5. Yeah, I'd take a run at that Mark, too.
    Fun Six!

  6. Welcome to the SSS :) That was fun debut. Hope Mark made a good mark!

  7. It would be hard to pass up on Mark!


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