Thursday, March 4, 2021

Six Sentence Theory Through Choplogic

 I am here to use choplogic to prove the theory that Hell is on Earth.

  1. Hell is a place.
  2. One place is Earth.
  3. Earth is a planet.
  4. Planets revolve around the sun.
  5. The son came out of me through birth.
  6. Giving birth was hell.
Therefore, Hell is on Earth. 

This six sentence story is a part of Girlie on the Edge's blog challenge with the word prompt of, Theory. You may link up your six sentence story on the Thursday Link up.

Do you like Choplogic? You can improve critical thinking for kids by challenging them to complete a choplogic story. Plus, it's fun for 4th, 5th grade, or 6th!

If you want to save 30% off the price of individual resources, you may do so by purchasing the Brain Teasers Variety Pack Bundle.

Thanks for stopping by!

The Gifted Department Store


  1. I learned something new today! Thanks, Joyce. I'd never heard of choplogic before reading your Six. Makes sense 😁

  2. I fear this is the way most people think these days.

  3. Welll! Wikipedia is getting a workout this week! lol
    This is one of several Sixes that brought out new words, (and arguably, concepts) as a surprise present to us Readers.
    Nicely done
    'specially, the formatting/presentation, every bit as enjoyable as the words themselfs.


  4. I'm sure enjoying my education this week! Great stuff :)

  5. Premise 1 is the conclusion, so this is logically valid.

  6. Very well done, and i would enjoy learning such logic through your tools.

    Sr. Ruth Marie used to use this kind of thing to tell us why fire engines are red.


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