Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Wordless Wednesday Ring Security Guard


  1. A cutie pie too. You made me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  2. Haha so cute made me smile :-)

    Have a tanfastictastic week 👍

  3. That is too cute, thank you for stopping by to say hi to me today. I love your Golden Header

  4. That has me guessing - a little boy dressed up with a mask?

  5. No mask. I'm not allowed to post his adorable face on social media. He was the ring bearer for our daughter's wedding.

  6. Awwwww No, no, no I get it. Many people don't like their children photographed for certain things. I hope they're keeping photos at home of him. He does look rather cute all dressed up I must say! have a great day!

  7. Awww, i'll bet he did a fabulous job of it.

  8. Every wedding should have one. :)

  9. You know, I've never had that problem about takin' pics of the grandkids or my children for that matter, but my friend has a daughter (in another state) where her hubby insists NO PICS & He's pretty animate about it. One day though, one slipped through & I got to see her prize possession and he was adorable, but I must say I truly understand in this day & age. Yours is probably adorable too! I will say it is fun going to watch them at school. I have so many pics & movies of my own children & now i"m working on the grandkids & I have 3 great grandkids now... holy moly!!! hahahaha Have a great week my friend!


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