Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: February in Memphis

Phil told us six more weeks of winter. Bring it on, groundhog. We haven't seen much all season.

These flowers have been in bloom for over a week.

It may not be flowers, but look how blue the sky is.

Come on, Mom. Start the car.

Happy Winter!

We're not luggage. We always ride inside!

One more.


  1. Ha!.. sure rub it in that I am staring out the window across the frozen tundra

    1. Winter weather means I get a day off. Where is it? Send yours our way.

  2. No winter here in Oz yet! We're still enjoying summer :) Beautiful photos! Your dogs are adorable!

  3. Yeah we are waiting for winter to begin here too in New Orleans! Very cute photo of the dogs ready for their ride! They are both beautiful dogs.

  4. Yes! I love your cute, cute dogs. I miss our Golden Retriever Tucker....may he rest in peace. You gotta love that winter we are all having! Even the flowers here are poking up....

  5. such pretty pups!

  6. your puppies are too cute! and how good is that feeling of seeing a flowers just pop up in the garden... i love it!

  7. I love seeing your flowers! We keep getting back and forth weather now. It snowed last week, now it's warm. Nebraska!

  8. Wow, those are great looking flowers! Especially for this time of the year.

  9. I am so ready to see colorful flowers in our neck of the woods! You're dogs are beautiful. They look so soft too :)

  10. I moved to St Louis from Memphis this past fall.... way to make me jealous! I haven't even thought about putting the top down yet! FINGERS CROSSED FOR SOON!

  11. The dogs are so funny, loved the pics!

  12. Hi I found your blog through the WW, linkup. Love these photos, especially the ones of the dogs :)


  13. Lol, I love the dogs! We have had an odd winter, haven't we? The snow has almost melted here and that's very odd as we usually still have a good foot or more!
    But I'm complaining! :)
    Thanks for linking up to Wordless Wednesday with Musings From a SAHM!! Hope to see you again next week!

  14. Love these pics - the different color contrasts are wonderful!

  15. Nothing says spring like crocus and daffodils. Thanks for sharing! Cute dogs.

  16. Lovely almost-spring pictures! No daffodils here yet but they must be just round the corner :)

  17. Wonderful photos ~ looks like Spring ~ Love the dogs and the convertible ~namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor) linked w/ 52 Photos ^_^

  18. Looks like Spring to me! Happy Wordless Wednesday.

  19. It's the warmest winter I remember, and almost no snow. Maybe four inches total for the whole season (Southern Ontario).

  20. I can't relate about the weather, but I adore your dogs...

  21. Your bulbs popped out already?!!! I'm green with envy and yet the world around me is still sepia toned. Maybe if I think green more often, My flowers will bloom too. And then again. It's snowing outside. Hmmmmm? Great photos of spring and cute puppies, Joyce.


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