Thursday, February 23, 2012

Writer's Post: Colonoscopy

I'm signed up to have my third colonoscopy on April 5.
For those who have not had the pleasure of a this medical procedure, let me enlighten you. First, you restrain from eating solids while drinking chalk and visiting the toilet to expel more manure than anyone thought the human body could hold. Next, a loved one wheels your dehydrated body to the hospital to have a needle inserted into a flat vein. It's nighty night while a doctor inserts a scope up your butt in search of polyps. These bugabears are instantly clipped and tested for cancer.

So far, I've been polyp free, so hopefully I'll have positive results come April.

Colon cancer is one of the most easily preventable diseases; however, many fail to have the necessary test. If you are over fifty or have a family history, get moving to your doctor for some probe fun.


  1. mmm would be nice but we have National Healthcare which means A.. it costs me thousands in taxes B I don't have a family doc cause there ain't enough to go around C I will probably croak before I get to the top of the waiting list...D they are starting to hand out colonoscopy home kits which doesn't seem to be a good thing to do...

    1. A colonoscopy home kit...what? I don't even...

  2. Oh, are one wacky woman! I have nothing to add to your post..... :)

  3. I had one a couple of years ago due to becoming aneamic thankfully it turned out to be a bleeding ulcer (the Colonoscopy was just an extra precaution), they first checked to see if my ulcer had healed with an endoscopy then whipped me round for the Colonoscopy LOL.

    Good luck for April Joyce I'm sure all will go well :-)

  4. That's my daughter's birthday, our day will be different.

  5. However unpleasant it may be, it's very smart and brave of you to do that. My boyfriend had one a few months ago and he said he's rather eat dirt than do it again. So good luck Joyce, I'm sure the results will be fine :). Kisses.

  6. Yep, that about sums it all up. Had my fun probe a few months ago. Good to to speak...

  7. Good Luck with the colonoscopy! I'm not afraid of tests, but of their possible results, and the terrible stress during the waiting period until the results are known.

  8. on one of mine they found some precancer polyops.since that I have had a clean bill of health.

  9. Wow, you are a brave person! Good luck to you. I'll have to spend the next few years trying to psyche myself up to do that test!

  10. This is my expected virgin probe year! The whole prep period terrifies me while the procedure itself seems plain......uncomfortable. Why oh why oh why oh do we have to have so many tests as we get older!!!! Good Luck Joyce! I'll be thinking of you.

  11. It's amazing what fun tests they can come up with. Good luck on yours.

  12. God bless you on your next Colonoscopy. I love that you are very positive and hilarious even in times like this (hospital visits are never fun).

  13. funny thing about gastroenterologists...they never talk to you while doing the procedure, even when you ask, they just grunt and uhmmm. Well, can't blame them, who wants to talk when you're looking at a rectum and colon??? Glad your tests came out great!

  14. This post is quite amazing, thanks for sharing this with us,
    If you looking for getting the Colonoscopy in Ludhiana then I suggest you visit Ludhiana Gastro & Gynae Centre. Here you will get the medication that you are looking for


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