Sunday, February 17, 2013

Musical Monday: Weird Al

It's Musical Monday, so here's a fun song fit for a humor blog.

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  1. How fun! I used to listen to him in the 80's, I didn't realize he was still around! I know a lot of people who buy from there, but I haven't tried it. Thanks for the chuckles!

  2. LOL - love your choice for song! Glad to say I am not addicted to eBay, or anything like it.

  3. I thought that was brilliant it covered literally everything LOL

    Have a ebaytastic week

  4. I'm a BIG Weird Al fan, so I've actually heard this song before, but it never gets old. Nothing he sings ever gets old....

  5. I used to sit around and giggle at Weird Al's music all the time when I was a little girl. I haven't heard anything of his in a long time, so this was a fun trip down memory lane. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Good one. great take off of I want it that way.

  7. Oh, Weird Al has always been my favorite. Thanks for sharing this, Joyce!

  8. Hey Joyce, I loved 'Ebay'...Weird Al, too! LOL

  9. Ha, ha. Too funny. I'm glad my eBay shopping habits don't match the song's.

  10. lol i was just on ebay a few minutes ago! great choice!

  11. LOL! Good old Weird Al! Saw him in concert years ago when he was huge. Hilarious show!


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