Thursday, February 21, 2013

Theme Thursday: Confessions

Mrsupole at Theme Thursday has given us the topic of Confessions. She hints that we could clear our conscience from the immoral acts we've committed. Like that is gonna happen! This is tough because I've never done anything even remotely worth confessing; but I'll spill three secrets.

1. I like the smell of skunks and have never understood why everyone yells, "Oooo" when that delicious scent wafts through the air. Come on, admit it. You know you like it too.

2. When I wake up in the morning, and it's a quarter to one; I want to have a little fun; I brush my teeth. Teeth brushing is a treat--just ask my kids. When they were small and misbehaved, I'd threaten to not let them brush their teeth. I know it's cruel and unusual punishment, but I never carried it out. The threat was all I needed to instill perfect behavior.

3. I once danced with a chair at the Deja Vu. The music played, but no one ventured onto the dance floor. After receiving dance refusals from a few men too chicken to be the first on the floor (at least they didn't say, "F%&* you like the creep in middle school), I grabbed a chair and kicked up the party. Actually, that's not the confession. This is: I was sober.


  1. Yes, I'll have to forbid my son to brush his teeth. every day I have to repeat it many times.

  2. I must confess that I had not smelt a skunk. Indeed, I have never even seen one! How big are they really? As big as a cat? A shoe box? A small child? A large child? A slight woman? Ringo Starr?

  3. Okay, this is my first brush with Raffi...and why is it I believe all of your confessions? LOL

  4. I imagine skunk-scented toothpaste would be an extra special treat for you then.

  5. Can't really say much about the smell of skunks because we don't see them here, but I'd say that we all have these little things that we like Thanks for sharing, Joyce.

  6. I am not sure why we have skunks here in the city but there are so many times that I go to the drive thru at the bank and smell that sweet skunk smell. And I have seen them scurry into the bushes. They are about the size of my cat and I guess they can pretty much live wherever they want. I'm not touching them. That is a cute video and I loved your confessions. I think I need to go brush my teeth.

    Thanks for sharing your confessions for this weeks Theme Thursday. I hope the kids and you have a fun weekend of waking up every hour to brush your teeth, I know I am.

    God bless.

  7. I have never smelt a skunk either I must put that on my to do list.

    I think the tooth brushing business was an excellent punishment a touch of genius there a sort of pretend punishment heheh!

    Have a mintfreshtastic weekend Joyce ;-)

  8. Doing think sober is quite frightening - you can remember everything :)

  9. You're actually not the first person I've come across that likes the smell of skunks.

  10. LOL on the last one!! :)

    I'm one to always decline a dance offer too, but only because I have ZERO sense of rhythm. Pity too, I'd love to grab a chair and dance away. So not even kidding.

    Happy weekend!


  11. I *do* like skink scent.
    Wouldn't want it on me though...

  12. LOL - to the first one, not the skunk, the one above that where you have never done anything worth confessing . . .wonderful post, love your humor.

  13. I'll tell you why I like the smell of skunks, I used to smoke a lot of pot when I was a kid and the "skunky weed" was the best tasting there was. Crazy stuff!

  14. Ok since I read this post, I have smelled about six skunks! Not kidding:)) And I can't believe you like the smell - LOL.


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