Monday, March 4, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: School Pictures

I've torn my house apart trying to find that one preschool picture that best fits my humor blog, but it is lost. Judy was proud of her new pair of underwear; so, when the camera flashed, she flashed too. I guess posting that photo would not go with my blog's clean image anyway.

Here are a few goofy school pictures of my kids and me.

Erica is never fully dressed without a hat to show coolness.

They retook Judy's picture but gave us the original

I trimmed Daniel's mullet and put this photo in the paper.

My school picture from kindergarten.


  1. WOW you still have pictures!! With all the moving we have done over the years...lost so many. This was a joy to view...(and i had to google mullet) i always thought that was a fish! :)

  2. I like seeing old photos

    Butter wouldn't melt eh!

    So you was a bit of a poser then Joyce LOL :-)

    Have a posetastic week ;-)

  3. LOVE the hat! I keep thinking that I need to grab some old pictures when I am at my parents house to throw onto my site one of these days. I was a fugly kid and I bet people would get a chuckle out of it.

  4. Wow, what cute pictures you have when you were growing up:-) The third picture at the bottom was not you, right? lol

  5. Those are just too cute! I couldn't find my old school pictures if I I won't try.

    Blessings to you from

  6. Ha, isn't it great to look back - and laugh!!

  7. My worst school photo was when I was in 4th grade. The MALE photographer must have really wanted to be a hairdresser because he sat there fixing my hair before taking the photo. It look HORRIBLE! Needless to say, my mom was pretty pissed with the outcome lol.

  8. You use to look like a kid with a lot of sense humor. I guess the pattern has been chosen very early in life:)


  9. Those are so cool!!! I think it's a fantastic idea to post older pictures along with those of your kids...I might steal it!

  10. I guess none of you are quite that young any more!

  11. I have to admit, I literally laughed out loud when I read your commentary. Poor kid, I can't believe they didn't redo it. What fun. Love your photos. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Very cool seeing pics like these...

    Mines up as well at AussiePomm - Hong Kong Sunrise!!!!

    Have a great day!!

  13. We're thinking along the same lines because I just loaded an old baby photo for my WW :)

  14. The school photos always come out lie crap. But I kind of like them that way. Not perfect.

  15. Love the pics! My school photos make me cringe!

  16. Your children are beautiful Joyce! Happy WW!

  17. lol brilliant thanks for sharing!

  18. Great pictures...I must say that Judy's is particularly fun, such genuine happiness! Thanks for hosting!

  19. I love these pictures of your kids. Very nice. Your curly hair is so darn cute. Let me guess. You hated it???? lol

  20. My school photos were always cringe- making, but these look pretty good to me! And have you noticed how you all have the same, beautiful eyes?!

  21. Those remind me of some of my school pictures. LOL

  22. These are great and look at all those beautiful natural curls you and your daughter Judy both have... lucky!!

  23. Seeing school photos make me a bit nostalgic. Its been quite a few years since I graduated from my school.

  24. Ha - last week I went through all our loose photos to look for one photo from the day we were engaged. It was a walk down memory lane, for sure. Made me realize I need to parcel out the photos for our grown kids! (time to clean out)

  25. Thanks for linking up to Share the Love blog hop!
    now following you vis GFC

    Natasha @

  26. I love looking at old, old pictures. The ones in the middle can seem a little embarrassing to oneself ;)

  27. I love looking through the kids school pictures ;)

    Thank you for hosting WW with a linky, I have a linky on mine as well if you'd like to visit ;)
    and there's a giveaway linky on it with thousands of dollars in prizes already! ;) see you next week!

  28. I just found my kids school pics from kinder, so cute!

    Thank you for hosting WW with a linky, I have a linky on mine as well if you'd like to visit ;)
    and there's a giveaway linky on it with thousands of dollars in prizes already! ;) see you next week!

  29. Cute pictures! I love the one of you.


  30. I don't think they are goofy pictures, of course, they might, but there is nothing quite like the smile of a child

  31. I love looking at school pictures. They always take me back, although I still end up in yearbooks since I'm a school teacher.

  32. I love your school picture from kindergarten!

  33. There is nothing like kindergarten photos. Thanks for hosting WW, I am still getting through everyones WW. There are so many now. Have a great weekend.


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