Thursday, March 7, 2013

Writer's Post: Mister Hats

If you're up at three a.m., you might catch a TV ad from the best hat shop in Memphis, Mister Hats. With its wide selection of quality products, it's easy to find what you want. The owner has even made sales from people who reach his store by dialing the wrong number. That is after a thirty minute chat!

However, what happens at Mister Hats typically stays at Mister Hats, so here's a rare peek into the hat business.

A customer asked, "What do you have here that’s on sale?"

"Everything is for sale!" Mr. Hats said. And it is. I bet he'd even sell his dictionary since he said, "This book's got a lot of words but no plot." 

On another occasion, a gentleman with a southern drawl asked for a hat with a confederate flag on it. He needed one because a police officer had taken his last one.

I wonder if losing his hat had any similarities to the customer who apologized for not being in for awhile due to having been incarcerated. He repeated his jail comment multiple times and then got excited when he saw cologne. "Don't worry," he said. "I'm not going to steal it."

  Check out Mister Hats!

113 S Highland St, Memphis, TN 38111
(901) 452-2099


  1. I've never heard of Mr. Hats... I'll have to check him out. Love the dictionary comment ;)

  2. Haha! That dictionary line is priceless!

  3. Too fun! I agree with the crowd, that dictionary quote was grand.

  4. Hahaha, that dictionary blurb is hilarious!

  5. OMG!!! Is that near a shopping mall? I have a friend in Memphis who lives near a mall. I swear that a few years ago I went into a Hat store and I loved the name...Mister Hats. Could it be the same store? I looked around but didn't buy anything. They had some cool hats in there.

    1. That's the one. It's close to the Oak Court Mall and the only hat store I know of in Memphis. Did you meet my inlaws?

  6. LOL @ the dictionary and no plot mind you it's true heheh! great name Mr Hats

    Have a brilliant weekend :-)

  7. Wow this sure sounds like a interesting store - and he's your father-in-law? You must have loads of stories to tell!

  8. You don't find many stores that are dedicated to selling only hats.


  9. Hey Joyce, Loved Mr. Hats...My son works at a hat shop too which why I checked out the ad on your side board before! I've got to forward this post to him! Thanks for sharing!!!


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