Saturday, March 9, 2013

Silly Sunday: Terrorist Plot Revealed

On my way to the mailbox, I found a note in my yard and KNOW I've uncovered a secret terrorist plot. The plan will be orchestrated by three men code named "Hot Dogs, Beer, and Yazoo." These chicken-hearted thugs are planning an offensive against farms in Avocado Heights, California. To prepare for the assault, they've worked their buns off earning bread. They've also found secret contacts in bars. Pease take heed to this dangerous message before we roast in hot soup. 

Upon further inspection, I discovered that these bad guys lure dogs into the mission through treats such as pies made with pot. Before you water down the seriousness of my find, be aware of their use of a dangerous chemical code named "Diet Coke." They've tried to smooth over the hard results of this mission by sending the Arabic greeting of peace, "Salaam." Furthermore, the Swiss have funded their attack through the sale of candy. I need to contact the FBI to inform them of how I chipped away this cheesy plan all from a note in my yard. 

So here's the note. Do you think I'm on to something?


  1. Haha! I think you might be. ;)

  2. Think I'd better collect my cats and take refuge in my basement bomb shelter!

  3. Take cover!

    You should see my ransom notes!

    My 7 year old writes most of my lists. My 4 year old clips all my coupons. They enjoy it, it improves their skills. Everything on my lists are written pretty large. Some things are misspelled to.

  4. I think you're right, either that or there's a plot to ruin your workout. That's a lot of food!

  5. I'm not sure what you're on to, but I'll tell ya one thing - I want to be invited to dinner at THAT house. Yum.

    1. Na! They never bought any of it because I have their note. Ha ha ha. Plan foiled!

  6. Hehehe - awesome! Great funny read on a Sunday morning - thanks!

  7. If it has anything to do with California then I'm worried. Most everyone is crazy here and then some. I think it may be even bigger than you think.

    Have a terrific Silly Sunday. :)

  8. LOL!!! Looks like it's a plot to ruin your workout!

  9. That put a smile on my face Joyce - Very good.

  10. I hope they bought their items before losing the list! :D
    Thanks for visiting Amanda's Books and More.

  11. Heheheheh... that was fun Joyce!

  12. Oh yes, I believe the FBI or the CIA or some other government initials are on their way to hire you immediately for your impressive insight to this felonious plot!!! I feel so much safer and better than you are onto this!!!

    LOL!!!! You are so funny!!!! I love to laugh!!!

    Just dropping in from Lets Get Social Sunday to meet you and follow which of course you probably already know that!! (nothing gets past you:)


  13. They've messed with the wrong yard now... lol

  14. Great work there Detective Gadget! I will feel much safer now that you have that note in your possession. I know you will turn it over to the proper authorities!

  15. No chocolate or wine gums? It's obviously a subversive plot.

  16. Great one! And yes...I think you're definitely on to something! :)

  17. you are so silly!
    wonder if they will leave you any more clues!

  18. Wow, your blog is very beautiful and interesting. Kisses from Spain.

  19. HILARIOUS. I wonder who's list that could be? Hmmm

  20. LMAO! Love the help and humor, humor.... LOL But the note, Foxy (my cat) says you are on to something. (Didn't have the heart to tell her what the note was) It is taking every trick in the book to get her not to post this on her blog so she can warn everyone!!!!( LOL

    And took a poll with all the animals and they all say constantly hugging and kissing dogs is not considered abuse, was told that it isn't abuse when you do it to cats either! The little animals where a little iffy on the subject.


  21. lolz,very funny

  22. lolz very funny:)

  23. I think you'll be well prepared for a zombie apocalypse.

  24. I hope you didn't get your fingerprints on it. You don't want to contaminate the evidence.


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