Monday, May 20, 2013

Musical Monday: Roll Over Beethoven

As I strolled through the cemetery, strange sounds came from a grave, not exactly music, but more like random notes. I strained to listen and thought I recognized the ninth symphony, but no, it just didn't sound right. Continuing, maybe I heard the fifth symphony. Na, it was just random notes, I thought. 

A caretaker passed me, so I asked, "What is that sound?"

He said, "That's Beethoven. He's decomposing."

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  1. LOL witty caretaker, I like ELO thumbs up with your choice Joyce ...that rhymed :-)

    Have a fantastical week

  2. At first I was like "What cemetery are you visiting that plays music?" That I was like "Bhahahaa! That's a great joke!" lol

  3. All I can say is - that's hilarious!

  4. No one of his biggest hits, though.

  5. I like it! :) I didn't know it was ELO who did this though. Haven't thought of them in forever!


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