Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Doctor's Appointment

I took off work for my yearly physical. 

First off, a lady in the waiting room had some disease that made her look like those African children with protein deficiencies. I hope that swollen belly syndrome wasn't contagious. 

Next, when I saw the doctor, she noticed I had a rough patch on my skin, "What do you put on it?" she asked.

I don't think she was happy when I gave her the truthful answer, "Fingernails." 

After the doctor left, a nurse drew my blood. It was red. 

To quote Mr. Gump, "That's all I have to say about that."


  1. That swollen belly thing has become an epidemic. I hope you have had your shots.

  2. I would have loved to see her face after "fingernails" LOL

    Have a fabuloustastic Sunday Joyce

    ps: Did you mention to the doctor you were nuts? LOL ;-)

  3. Glad to know your blood is red. In my next book,Killer Stilettos, Lila's blood has turned green. I did research on it and found that it can happen. If sulpheric ions can make it into the hemoglobin molecules it will happen.

    Hate going to the GYNO-dude.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    Sir Poops and Hair Ball would love an interview with your fur-peeps.

  4. I just said I went to the doctor. I hate going to gyno's, too.

  5. LOL - I would have laughed my ass off at your response, but I guess some people just don't get it!

  6. Sounds like you had a good time lol! Thanks so much for joining us at the Let's Get Social Sunday. Have a wonderful week. Diane @MamalDiane

  7. Hi, funny. I loved it. Joined your site and will be back regularly. Thanks.

  8. "Fingernails" I know exactly what your mean! I LOVE it! Thank you for stopping by Let's Get Social Sunday. New Follower.
    Wanda Ann @ Memories by the Mile


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