Thursday, May 16, 2013

Theme Thursday: Creativity

This week's prompt is creativity, which means I need to write a post unlike any you've ever read before. So, here it is:

A few years ago my letter V for the AtoZ Challenge was vacant. If you followed me back then, you've seen the blank post before, so let me try again:

Aveha ouya evera eadra aa ostpa ittenwra ina iglatinpa?

Of course there's someone out there who's read a post in pig latin. Fine. I'll try again.

Avez-vous jamais lu un poteau écrit en français ?

Ya, ya. Is it the same reader or a different one who has read a post in french? Hang in there, I'm trying to be creative. How about this?

Ah! I've got it!

Z B     R     A Z E R     X B     J Y J U F X A ,    R    

N W Z T T B C     X A     G C X D X B E     D F X A     

 U Z A D .  F Y C     W X D D W Y     L Z T     X A     

 N Y A X L Y     F Y C .

Hint: X = I 

Man this is tough! Want another hint?

Hint #2: T = G

You still don’t have it? Okay, I’ll give you one more, but this is my last hint!

Hint #3:  D = T
You want another hint?  I only get one letter in my Sunday paper. Want me to spell it out for you? Fine!

Hint #4: Z =O 

Really? You’re kidding me. Okay, but this is the real last hint.

Hint #5: J = M 
(Think. Where this blogger is from and how her Grizzlies team is finally getting some respect in basketball. Go Grizz!)

WOW! I solve these all the time in the Sunday paper, but I didn't know they were so hard to write. Did you solve it? Was this post creative enough for you? I hope you gave it your best shot because it took me forever to write a cryptograph.

Please write your answer in the comments section before I forget what it says. 


  1. lol. Maybe because I was never good at math I couldn't figure this out.

  2. Well, I'm sure that my wine hasn't helped but my guess -

    on a so_ _ in Memphis, a blogger is writing this post her little dog is beside her.

    Can you tell I made some letters up?!

  3. Ha this is so creative I can't work out any of it :)

  4. I didn't come here to think!

  5. I can't create crossword puzzles. It involves too much pattern recognition, which has never been my strong suit.

  6. The exact translation (that I got) is "on a soga in memphis a bloggnr is writing this post. her little dog is bewide her"
    but with a little bit of creative thinking - on a sofa in memphis a blogger is writing this post. her little dog is beside her.

    1. See what I mean about these things being tough to write. Thanks so much for catching my "bewide." It has been corrected to beside. Thanks for playing and fixing it.

  7. Yes, very interesting, your creativity is fun!

  8. LOL - it's 6 am and you want me to think? I haven't even had my coffee yet.

  9. I think it is: On a sofa... the rest will be like what had been written by Kim Turner above :)

  10. haha I haven't had my coffee yet, but I'm cheering on the Grizzlies!!

  11. I don't think I've ever read a post written in French.

    Props to Suzy for the fast chime in.

  12. Joyce could I have just a few more hints please :-)

    Have a fantabulosa weekend and don't do anything I would :-)

  13. I remember writing these word puzzles when I was little. I always sucked at solving them though lol

  14. Very funny, very clever and despite using a pencil and paper I could not figure it out! Kudos on creating it, I'm in awe!

  15. Okay that was very funny and very good and creative :)
    Keep smiling and have a great weekend!

  16. I think my mind is so fuzzled right now that I think it would take me ten or more years longer to figure this out. Secret codes are not always my best thing although I did figure out the pig Latin but never could speak it well enough to get by. Although if I heard my name spoken I would suddenly understand it very well. I just think I was too lazy to bother with it and I also did not think it was right to talk about other people right there in front of them. I mean at least have the decency to wait until they turned their back. Just kidding, I have this terrible migraine that is going on two weeks now and to do any thinking just causes pain.

    I do have to say that this was very creative and you would have made a good spy. Thanks for sharing this with us for this weeks Theme Thursday, I really enjoyed it. I hope you have a week filled with easy mysteries.

    God bless.

  17. yes, silly woman, its a coded cryptogram!
    i love those things too! i got the gist =)

    and my sons play for the mason grizzlies baseball organization here in ohio!
    go grizz!


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