Sunday, May 26, 2013

Silly Sunday: The Baby

I'm a sucker for a cute face under a sign that says, "Free Puppies." Yesterday, we visited the dog park with two and came home with three. We justified it because our middle daughter will be moving to Michigan and has been begging for a dog. She has a birthday in June, so happy, happy. 

Of course, she doesn't have a place to live and now feels pressured to find a home that takes dogs. If she can't find a pet friendly place, I guess we're stuck with the cute, little fur ball.

Thanks to Dr. Google, I learned to put liquid in his food, and he ate a little bit. The baby cries in the night because that's what babies do. However, by July, he'll be good to head to Michigan, IF my daughter finds a suitable home. Memphis gets to be triple digits in the summer, so Michigan would be better for this black boy. Judy could also find him in the snow. 

If caving in to a cute puppy without thinking is not silly, what is? Guess what I'll be posting for Wordless Wednesday?


  1. Can't wait til Wordless Wedneday's update...until then,try to nap when he does!

  2. Cute puppy for sure - you are going to have a hard time letting that little face go in a couple months!!

  3. Yes, I love the picture, cuddly puppy ...!

  4. Oh this is so easy to do Joyce. So very easy and I've done it before. I've kept the baby too.

    Have a terrific Silly Sunday. :)

  5. But they're so hard to resist!

  6. Oh my gosh, how exciting! How old is he? He's TINY! Is he even two months? I found having a four month old puppy far more stressful than I'd expected. For one of course, I've never had a dog. But for another, was not prepared for a replay of the toddler that he's about to turn one he's settled down a bit which I enjoy:)

  7. He is almost five weeks and too young to be separated from Mommy.

  8. Oh! how cute I really don't blame you for bringing him home I think I would have done the same, I'm sure your daughter will find a pet friendly place to live.

    Have a puppytastic week :-)

  9. Oh, he is too cute! It was his lucky day when you took him in, poor little thing. I know he will make a wonderful companion for your daughter. :)
    I'll be looking for him on Wordless Wednesday!

  10. I think impulse dog shopping just rocks. :)

  11. So cute and so very young! You certainly have your hands full. :-) Looking forward to more photos.

  12. So cutee..I raised my German Shepherd from 3 days old. I used to feed her milk twice a she is a beauty :).


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