Thursday, May 23, 2013

Theme Thursday: Trust

If one says, "I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him," that means one doesn't trust him at all; however, if one is strong, one must trust more people because one can throw individuals farther––especially weak, little wussies. 

Also, one would trust a baby. After all, they don't weigh much, so one could throw them far. Of course if one threw a baby, I trust the mother would pose a serious threat.

I could also throw my little doggy, and I trust her. We sleep together, and so far she has not bit my nose off. If she ever did, I guess I'd quit trusting her and throw her out of our bed.

On another note, I trust you know that I'm as happy as a teacher on the last day of school.  

I ♡ summer.


  1. Last day of school? You won't know what to do with yourself!

  2. Yay for making it through the school year in one piece :) Ours don't get out until June 6. I am NOT counting down the days lol.

  3. The kids are done. I still have to show up tomorrow . . . and then I've made it!

  4. Wow you guys her out early. We have 20 more days- boys are counting.

    1. We go back the first week in August. Teachers have to show up in July!

  5. Awwww she is precious and the perfect example of trust and loyalty between the two of you =)

  6. I have neither young children nor dogs. I pretty well trust my cats not to eat me during the night.

  7. :) the kids still are counting down towards the last day of school here - two more weeks to go..

  8. Time to recharge, woot! Teachers deserve entire summers off, I'm sure of it. :)

  9. I'm sure you will find plenty to do heheh!

    I liked your words on trust it makes you think which is quite hard for me LOL.

    I am not so trusting of people since I have got older.

    Have a fantasticated weekend Joyce ;-)

  10. Yesterday was the last day of school here, too!! Happiness all around!!
    Enjoy your summer break!

  11. When summer's out, though, then you have to entertain the kids! The question is, if all three of my girls work together, how far could they throw *me*?

  12. Enjoy your summer and I would trust that little cute doggie of yours too :)

    Lucy from Lucy's Reality

  13. love the observations on trust...and happy teachers

  14. I've always wondered about that saying. Enjoy your holidays.

  15. I think you have such a cute dog and I would totally trust him to not bite off my nose. We had our little Dachshund for 18 years. He's been gone for many years now and not a day goes by that I do not miss him. I too would trust him with my life. They are the most loyal dogs and I was so lucky to be able to have him since I am allergic to dogs. I seemed to be okay with him and will always feel blessed.

    It is nice to be going on a summer break. It seems as if the schools out here go on break at different times and will start back to school at different times. Personally I prefer year round school and most of the parents I know prefer it too. The only bad thing is that only the elementary schools are on year round which does screw things up when you have kids in the upper grades and the lower grades.

    And never trust a baby because they "steal" your heart. But then I think we willingly let them do it.

    Thanks for also sharing this with us for this weeks Theme Thursday. Have a great week of hopefully relaxing.

    God bless.

  16. Great post. I love and trust my dog, but I don't trust her not to go up under a bed in our guest room for her business. If I don't get up and let her out at 3 a.m. I have I trust I have a mess to clean up. :)

  17. Enjoy your summer. My kids don't get out till the end of June, so I still have a month of peace & quiet in my house :)


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